Offering a unique focus on evidence-based interventions, critical thinking, and diversity, School Social Work: A Direct Practice Guide, by JoAnn Jarolmen, covers the foundations of working with children and adolescents in the schools. Each chapter reviews a basic concept and then provides two in-depth activities that allow readers to apply the concepts to a variety of client populations. Practical, hands-on experiences, best practice approaches, and case examples throughout the book allow readers to see assessments and techniques in action and increase their understanding of the nuances and complexities of working in a school environment.
The School Social Work Toolkit: Hands-on Counseling Activities and Workshops
... 50, 51 Schumm, J. S., 121 Schwartz, W., 90, 93, 95, 101, 103, 159 Sears, J. T., 154, 155 Sessions, P., 6 Seybolt, ... A., 81 Woods, C. J., 102 Work, W. C., 75 Wright, A., 165 Wright, M., 198 Wyman, P. A., 75 Young, B. A., 157 Yung, ...
The main goal of this text is to a provide hands on and practical experience for students studying to become school social workers.
The book approaches diversity from an intersectionality perspective, accounting for the experiences of students based on differences such as sexuality, race, and gender.
The book presents strategies for dealing with particular problems, such as violence, trauma, parental absence, substance abuse, bereavement, and mental health concerns.
A succinct SSWAA Workshop volume, The Domains and Demands of School Social Work Practice demonstrates how EBP can be integrated into school social worker's daily practice, advancing the debate about where social workers can and should ...
The Practice of Social Work in Schools: An Ecological Perspective
Sabatino, C.A., Mayer, L. M., & Timberlake, E. M. (2006). The effectiveness of school social work practice. In R. Constable, C. Massat, S. McDonald, & J. Flynn (Eds.), School social work: Practice, policy, and research. Chicago: Lyceum.
Social Work Services in Schools covers broad school social work service issues, including education and development, effects of educational policy on practice, and planning, implementation, and evaluation. The editor, Paula...
The Art of Being Indispensable What School Social Workers Need to Know in Their First Three Years of Practice is a vital resource for newly hired school social workers that helps bridge the gap between classroom theory and field practice.