Combining timeless readings with cutting-edge, current selections, Kernell and Smith bring judicious editing and important context for students learning the ropes of American government. This collection effectively examines the strategic behavior of key players in American politics, showing that political actors, though motivated by their own interests, are governed by the Constitution, the law, and institutional rules, as well as influenced by the strategies of others. The 5th edition features 17 new readings, including 5 pieces written specifically for this volume. True to form, each and every selection is artfully framed by Kernell and SmithÆs headnotes, providing an invaluable grounding for todayÆs students.
This lays the foundation for the succeeding eight essays which present controversies over public policy. This volume assists students of American politics in the consideration of the abiding relationship between principle and practice.
The Logic of American Politics, 3rd Edition + Principles and Practice of American Politics, 3rd Edition + CQ Weekly 2006...
... and, when thatis discerned,it istheduty of thecourtto follow it. Judicialpower is never exercisedforthe purposeofgiving effect tothe will of the judge, always forthepurposeof giving effect ... to the will of the law. (Osborn v.
This collection effectively examines the strategic behavior of key players in American politics, showing that political actors, though motivated by their own interests, are governed by the Constitution, the law, and institutional rules, as ...
This is a shrink-wrapped, discounted packaged for the introduction to American government course. The books included are: Kernell and Jacobson's 'The Logic of American Politics, 3rd ed.
American Government: Principles and Practices
Remini, Daniel Webster, 451. 4. A fine study of Webster as rhetorician is Craig R. Smith's Daniel Webster and the Oratory of Civil Religion (Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2005). 5. Daniel Webster, “First Settlement of New ...
This book presents the rational choice theories of collective action and social choice, applying them to problems of public policy and social justice.
A new chapter focuses on the use of the Internet. Political Campaign Communication continues to be a classroom favorite—a thoroughly researched, insightful, and reader-friendly text.
Principles and Practices of American Politics