This book explores the process of interpersonal conflict - from the initial decision as to whether or not to confront differences through to how to plan the actual confrontation. It deals extensively with negotiation and, where negotiation proves unsuccessful, with third-party dispute resolution. To avoid destructive or violent behaviour, Donohue emphasizes the importance of keeping conflicts under control and of focusing on the pertinent issues. He argues that the key to managing conflict is to address differences collaboratively so that the parties can create better solutions and, ultimately, strengthen their relationships.
The Theme Of The Book Is Useful For Both Roles. Some Of The Questions Which The Book Attempts To Resolve Are: A) How To Convert Alienated Employees To Problem-Solvers?
... 223 McIntosh, P., 190, 192 McPherson, B., 109 McWhirter, J. J., 217 Meiners, E. B., 146 Mensch, S., 109 Metcalfe, D., 137 Meyers, D. G., 291 Millar, M., 6 Miller, P., 162, 165 Miller, S., 162, 165 Miller, V. D., 146 Mills, J. L., 2, ...
Interpersonal Conflict
This title explores the process of interpersonal conflict - from the initial decision as to whether or not to confront differences through to how to plan the actual confrontation.
Conflict Management: Managing Interpersonal Conflict
An existential-systems approach to managing organizations. Westport, CT: Quorum. Kennedy, E. J., & Lawton, L. (1993). Ethics and services marketing. Journal of Business Ethics, 121,785. Kerlinger, F. N. (1986).
This book presents a framework for diagnosing recurring conflicts and suggests several basic options for controlling or resolving them.
In A. Booth, A. C. Crouter, & M. Clements (Eds), Couples in conflict (pp. 95—104). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Jones, E., & Gallois, C. (1989). Spouses' impressions of rules for communication in public and private marital conflicts.
This text tells exactly how and when a conflict can be translated into a successful process and when it should be checked before it spells trouble for the company.
Part of the acclaimed, bestselling Big Books series, this guide offers step-by-step directions and customizable tools that empower you to heal rifts arising from ineffective communication, cultural/personality clashes, and other specific ...