Bringing together a powerful group of leading educational thinkers, including Michael Fullan, Dennis Sparks, Linda Lambert, and Dean Fink, this volume examines how to sustain improvement through shared leadership.
found in the literature and is advocated by writers such as Lacey (2001, 2006), McCauley et al. (1995), and Buckner and Slavenski (1994). In her research on succession planning, Lacey found that acting in a leadership role has a ...
This is leadership for the long term not just the immediate, for all schools not just for some." —Steve Munby, executive director, UK National College for School Leadership
Caldwell , B.J. ( 2004 ) Re - imagining the Self - Managing School . London : Spe- cialist Schools and Academies Trust . Caldwell , B.J. ( 2005 ) The New Enterprise Logic of Schools . London : Specialist Schools and Academies Trust .
This book describes the University’s experiences in establishing and organizing that program and provides some lessons learned for those who are considering starting environmental leadership education programs.
This Open Access book features a school development model (Arizona Initiative for Leadership Development and Research AZiLDR) that offers a roadmap for schools to navigate the complexities of continuous school development.
... It's About Time. London: Routledge/Falmer. 9 Claxton. G. (1997) Hare Brain/ Tortoise Mind: How Intelligence ... secondary schooling. Project #199800214. Chicago: Spencer Foundation of the United States. Much of the detailed evidence from ...
This monograph outlines an action research project that was a learning journey for a group of New Zealand principals who wanted to improve the way that they addressed problems with their staff.
This is the seventh edition of International Management Behavior, an established text for students and executives developing the knowledge, perspective and skills required for leading and managing people in global business.
This study examined how leadership capacity for environmentally sustainable practices can be developed at Havergal College. The administration's commitment to implement sustainable practices and strengthen the schools focus on global...
... for his unwavering support of MyIDC 2019/2020. This loss is greatly felt by everyone involved in MyIDC. References Abd Aziz, M. I., & Abdullah, D. (2014). Finding 82 S. Pillai/S. L. Ong/D. S. Ong/M. B. Abdul Rahman Acknowledgements.