This clear and concise study guide provides sample examinations and guidance for counsellors who wish to become certified by either the Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Education (CACREP) or the National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC), the major counsellor accreditation institutions in the United States. This Second Edition brings up to date the names of key organizations, and adds new information relevant to changes in the counsellor certification exam.
The text also posits counseling as an emerging global profession and addresses the ways technology will transform professional practice.
The book concludes with an exploration of private practice and the next steps in the career ladder. Ideally suited for professional development courses, this volume helps students prepare for life outside of school.
The book covers the knowledge and skills essential for anyone in the helping professions and covers the critical skills of the helping relationship and current models of helping.
Praise for Becoming a Therapist "This resource is filled with practical and personal advice, relevant stories, and examples, and reads more like help from a friend than a typical textbook." —Roberta L. Nutt, PhD, ABPP, Visiting Professor ...
Authored by counseling experts and featuringinsights from voices in the field, A Guide to Graduate Programs in Counseling is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in becoming a professional counselor.This text is an official ...
A unique practical manual, facilitating the movement and growth of the reader, whilst raising awareness of resistance to change.
The revised and expanded edition for the new millennium. Psychologist Eugene Kennedy and psychiatrist Sara C. Charles have brought this already popular book up to date with the medical and...
This book emphasizes exploration of the individual and collective effect of local, national, and global social issues on clients and their communities, and imparts real world experiences from authors and clinical experts who provide ...
In this book, the IOM makes recommendations for permitting independent practice for mental health counselors treating patients within TRICARE-the DOD's health care benefits program.
Each section of the book contains Points to Ponder to facilitate classroom discussion and personal reflection.