Embark on a journey toward cultural proficiency that results in professional growth and organizational change! This powerful third edition offers fresh approaches, a revised organization, and new activities that enable leaders to engage in effective interactions with students, educators, and the communities they serve. The authors meticulously provide information gathered from their experiences working with schools, educational agencies, and organizations across the United States and Canada and show how school leaders can: Gain a personal understanding of what cultural proficiency means in practice Use collaborative activities to effect change in a school Lead a learning community toward becoming a culturally proficient organization
The Williams case (Williams v. State of California, 2004) is one example of how learners of color and learners living in poverty must have their right to free and appropriate public education reinforced by the court system.
The book is designed to support school leaders in developing policies and fostering practices that respond to the educational and social needs of all students"--
"This book is a magnificent contribution for advancing change! The Culturally Proficient Journey is one that we must all take if we truly care about and have the will to make a difference in the lives of all children.
This book places today’s political rancor and divisiveness in the context of greater historical change and provides a roadmap to interrupting the cycle of hostility towards marginalized groups.
... Culturally Proficient Coaching (Lindsey, Martinez, and Lindsey), 165 (table) Culturally Proficient Collaboration ... Response to LGBT Communities, A (Lindsey et al.), 170 (table) Culturally Proficient Society, A (Franco, Ott, and ...
The Personal Journey Begins Within Raymond D. Terrell, Eloise K. Terrell, Randall B. Lindsey, Delores B. Lindsey. Jencks, Christopher; Smith, Marshall; Acland, Henry; & Bane, Mary Jo. (1972). Inequality: A reassessment of family and ...
You will meet Michael, an immigrant from Italy, who could have been from most any part of the world. ... While we are persuaded by the cogent work of David Berliner (2005) that there are political and social factors outside the ...
This book tells the story of Ventura Unified School District's successful implementation of cultural proficiency, which opened long-closed doors for marginalized students and returned gains on every key success metric.
This book outlines a critical evaluation process and provides rubrics to examine why some students are not being educated to their full potential.
Supporting Educators to Create Equitable Schools Delores B. Lindsey, Richard S. Martinez, Randall B. Lindsey, Keith T. Myatt. Lindsey, Randall B., Nuri-Robins, Kikanza, Terrell, Raymond D., & Lindsey, Delores B. (2019).