It's hard to conceive of a topic of more broad and personal interest than the study of the mind. In addition to its traditional investigation by the disciplines of psychology, psychiatry, and neuroscience, the mind has also been a focus of study in the fields of philosophy, economics, anthropology, linguistics, computer science, molecular biology, education, and literature. In all these approaches, there is an almost universal fascination with how the mind works and how it affects our lives and our behavior. Studies of the mind and brain have crossed many exciting thresholds in recent years, and the study of mind now represents a thoroughly cross-disciplinary effort. Researchers from a wide range of disciplines seek answers to such questions as: What is mind? How does it operate? What is consciousness? This encyclopedia brings together scholars from the entire range of mind-related academic disciplines from across the arts and humanities, social sciences, life sciences, and computer science and engineering to explore the multidimensional nature of the human mind.
Much of the material is information released by the CIA under the Freedom of Information Act. These are reports, papers and limited research on the application and effectiveness of mind controltechniques.
Eisenberg , David , M.D. Encounters with Qi . New York : W.W. Norton & Co. , 1985 . Jiao Guorui . Qigong Essentials for Health Promotion . Beijing : China Reconstructs Press , 1988 . 至分 un Photo : Joel Gordon Mikao Usui transcends 133 ...
This greatly expanded and revised edition contains more than 1,000 entries, covering everything from common everyday foods to the latest in genetic research--and beyond.
The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences (MITECS) is a landmark, comprehensive reference work that represents the methodological and theoretical diversity of this changing field.
Cayenne AKA: Africa pepper,America pepper,bird pepper, capsicum, Capsicum anuum, Capsicum frutescens, chili pepper, cockspur pepper, goat's pepper, hot pepper, pod pepper, red pepper, Spanish pepper, Zanzibar pepper.
Senator Sam Erwin , who headed the subcommittee , interrogated Donald E. Santarelli , the head of the LEAA , about the kind of projects that were being funded , resulting in an announcement by the organization that they would ...
The Encyclopedia of the Mind, the Body, the Spirit
Easy to understand and immediately applicable to everyday health concerns, from migraines and upset stomach, to anxiety and muscle aches, this guide gives readers an inexpensive, D.I.Y. approach to healing themselves.
This encyclopaedia brings the mysterious ingredients of the occult, supernatural, and unexplained into the open and on to the page.
The aim of this book is to allow kids to learn about the wide range of beliefs & practices that make up our world - without endorsing or promoting any particular views.