Focusing on narrative, expository, and persuasive writing and poetry, this guide provides strategies and tools to facilitate writing development for English learners in Grades 2–8.
This book shares practical and effective techniques for accommodating reading and writing instruction to design learning that simultaneously increases literacy and language development.
Ms. Wilson decided to use storytelling as a springboard for building writing fluency. To begin, she asked students to think about stories they knew or could create. Some students needed help, so she used an activity adapted from Lenski ...
A comprehensive guide to working with any English language learner (ELL) student writer.
This book fills the literature gap with the most up-to-date theory and a host of practical implementation tools.
This book provides an overview designed to help educators collaborate more effectively in the areas of content area literacy for the sake of their K-6 ELL students.
Book study groups and professional learning communities, save when you order the Literacy Instruction for English Language Learners Book Study Bundle. 15 copies for $318.75. SAVE $56.25! Teaching English Language...
Incluye una carta de la autora y sugerencias para celebrar El día de los niños/El día de los libros. The author will donate a portion of the proceeds from this book to literacy initiatives related to Children's Day/Book Day.
The guide also outlines the classroom conditions necessary for successful writing instruction with English language learners, whether in writing workshop and/or small-group instruction. Kindergarten through grade 8.
Second language writing and research: The writing process and error analysis in student texts. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, 6(2), 1–19. ... South Asian Language Review, 8. ... Research Methods in Language Learning.
Although this is not intended as a "how to" manual for instructors, teachers may also find the information presented here to be helpful as they plan and deliver instruction.