Be the best mentor you can be with these state-of-the-art strategies! How can you relate all of your teaching experience to a new teacher? Working from decades of experience, the authors of this guide offer sensible strategies to help mentors help new teachers. The authors synthesize theory and practice to show mentors how to: Increase new-teacher support, success, and retention Guide teachers in their relationships and classroom strategies Improve their own mentoring approach Avoid common mentoring pitfalls
Mentoring is an intentional, developmental relationshiop in which a more experienced, more knowledgeable person nurtures the professional and personal life of a less experienced, less knowledgeable person.
In contrast, Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric (GE), spent a great deal of time developing a circle of potential successors, ensuring a smooth leadership transition as well as the ...
There is a gap between what we know about effective mentoring and how it is practiced in higher education. The Science of Effective Mentorship in STEMM studies mentoring programs and practices at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
In this book, Wendy Axelrod helps you stretch your mentoring abilities to yield substantial rewards for you and your mentee.
Praise for Starting Strong “Whether seeking to strengthen your own mentoring practice, administer a mentoring program within your organization, or develop your ability to ‘tune in’ to others and navigate candid ...
Faculty Success through Mentoring provides practical tools for higher education leaders to implement a formal mentoring program that will lead to a vital and diverse faculty across all stages of an academic career.
Mentoring Programs That Work
Mentoring relationships are not only available to a lucky few. As this book explains, anyone can maximize their potential with the help of the right mentor.
Succinct and comprehensive, this is a must-have for any mentor or mentor-to-be.
A Guide for Higher Education Faculty, Second Edition W. Brad Johnson. Second edition published 2016 by Routledge 711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017 and by Routledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, OX144RN Routledge is an ...