Since the war in Afghanistan and Operation Iraqi Freedom, Americanshave been surprised to learn that much of the world now views the UnitedStates itself as a major threat to global peace. This book addresses theimperial dimensions of U.S. policy in the Middle East, past and present,which may help to account for these views.Francis A. Boyle's hard-hitting analysis reveals a history of Americanintervention which has led to havoc in the region and destabilization ofthe international system as a whole. He examines U.S. assistance toIraq during the Iran/Iraq war, U.S. conduct of the 1990 Persian Gulf War,and the recent wars inAfghanistan and Iraq inrelation to their violation ofthe laws of neutrality,humanitarian law, thelaws of war-and theU.S. Constitution. By the time of the presidency of George W. Bush,American foreign policy had evolved to the public assertion of the rightto preemptive strike, and its actual implementation."In international legal terms, the Bush Jr. administration should beviewed as constituting an ongoing criminal conspiracy underinternational criminal law in violation of the Nuremberg Charter,the Nuremberg Judgment, and the Nuremberg Principles, due toits formulation and undertaking of war policies which are legallyakin to those perpetrated by the Nazi regime in pre-World War IIGermany." -- Francis A. Boyle
The Three-Decade US Campaign to Terminate the Qaddafi Revolution Francis A. Boyle. ENDNOTES 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Louis B. Sohn & Thomas Buergenthal, International Protection of Human Rights 140-141 (1973).
" This book presents the facts and solutions to dispense of the evils, foreign and domestic.
As Qanon post 2937 says (QMap dot pub), "This is not simply another four-year election. This is a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not we, the people, reclaim control over our government.
The result is mounting tension. Grounded in Kissinger's deep study of history and his experience as National Security Advisor and Secretary of State, World Order guides readers through crucial episodes in recent world history.
Bold and compelling, Destroying the World to Save It charts the emergence of a new global threat of urgent concern to us all.
Qanon and 1000 Years of Peace: Destroying the New World Order and Taking the Kingdom of Christ by Force
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