The concept of paradoxical spaces has been put forth by numerous feminists , namely feminists of color and lesbian critics whose notions of location imply " contradictory spatialities " and " heterogeneous geometries " ( G. Rose ...
New York: Farrar, Strauss 8c Giroux. West, C. (1993). Race matters. New York: Farrar, Strauss 8C Giroux. notes 1Some of the demographics have been altered slightly to protect the privacy of individuals. 2The construction of the model is ...
... suggest studying culture as a construct that influences cognition as well as motivation, interactions, everyday practices, worldviews, and negotiating our place in the world (Cole, 1996; Guitierrez & Rogoff, 2003; Lee, 2007).
Cannon , J. 2000. Crickwing . San Diego . Calif .: Harcourt Brace . Nickle , J. 1999. The Ant Bully . New York : Scholastic Inc. Stones , R. 1993. ... Johnson , D. , and R. Johnson . 1996. Conflict Bullying in the Elementary School 73.
In R. Amster , A. DeLeon , L. Fernandez , A. J. Nocella II , & D. Shannon ( Eds . ) , Contemporary Anarchist Studies : An ... In L. Dahlberg & E. Siapera ( Eds . ) , Radical Democracy and the Internet : Interrogating Theory and Practice ...
Teaching Crowds: Learning and Social Media
For additional information about this series or for the submission of manuscripts , please contact : Joe L. Kincheloe & Shirley R. Steinberg c / o Peter Lang Publishing , Inc. 29 Broadway , 18th floor New York , New York 10006 To order ...
Terry Eagleton, Terry, Literary Theory: An Introduction, second ed. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996), 179. 20. Frederick F. Schmitt, Socializing Epistemology: The Social Dimensions of Knowledge (Lanham, ...
In this new collection, contributors from a variety of disciplines provide a critical context for the relationship between feminist pedagogy and academic feminism by exploring the complex ways that critical perspectives can be brought into ...
In addition to a preface, new material throughoutand updated refrences and resources,the book includes four full new chapters on additionalforms of oppression---transgenderism;ethno-religious oppression; racism, immigrationan, and globalism ...
Critical Theory and Education