C H A P T E R T W O The Debates on Qing in Late Imperial China Yu & (often written as fio)," a term that appears frequently in the discussion in Chapter 1, is usually the first word that comes to mind as the Chinese equivalent of the ...
Moreover, as blank spaces, these spots on the map already possess a significational existence, as places where imperial desires can be carried out. In this regard, the desire of Empire and its relationship to lack is already represented ...
Centurion's Honor Daughter of the conquered ruler of Siga, forced to submit to Roman rule over her homeland, Anan Septinius has nothing but contempt for the Romans who now occupy her land and her home.
Stavros Stavrou Karayanni, through historical investigation, theoretical analysis, and personal reflection, explores how Middle Eastern dance actively engages race, sex, and national identity.
Spanning the century between Victorian Britain and the current struggle for power in South Africa, the book takes up the complex relationships between race and sexuality, fetishism and money, gender and violence, domesticity and the ...
Analyzing literary and historical texts, this book examines the relationship between representations of imperial issues and the domestic social and cultural questions which are enmeshed with them in Victorian Britain.
“What can be more wretched than the life of a private soldier in the East,” wrote Fanny Parkes, an otherwise ... wrote about a very different sort of boredom which British gunners experienced at the Battle of Omdurman in 1898.
See protection Said , Edward , 13 , 14 , 44 Salomons , Annie , 173 Salvation Army , 37 Sarekat Islam , 104 , 277n64 Scott , David , 210 Scott , Jim , 207 The Sea Wall ( Duras ) , 14 , 15 Seed , Patricia , 11 segregation , racial , 36 ...
Said, Edward(1979) Orientalism. New York: Vintage. Said,Edward (1993) Culture and Imperialism. New York: Vintage. Saunders, Christopher and IainR. Smith (1999) “Southern Africa, 1795–1910.” The Oxford History ofthe British Empire, Vol.
Examining a host of films from contemporary Russian cinema, Nancy Condee argues that we cannot make sense of current Russian culture without accounting for the region's habits of imperial identification.