Stuttering in Children and Adults was first published in 1955. Minnesota Archive Editions uses digital technology to make long-unavailable books once again accessible, and are published unaltered from the original University of Minnesota Press editions. One of the largest groups of handicapped people in the world today is made up of the estimated fifteen million persons who stutter. Their predicament has been one of man's most baffling problems ever since it was first recorded by the ancients, but not until the present century has the mystery of stuttering showed any signs of lifting. The studies collected in this volume represent a substantial step toward the solving of the mystery. The University of Iowa, a pioneer in research on the causes and treatment of stuttering, has carried on its work for many years. This book presents all previously unpublished papers and dissertations (a total of forty-three) that have resulted from this research program. Much of the work centers on the onset of stuttering in children and underlies the theory that stuttering begins with the hearer rather than the speaker. Interrelationships between personality and stuttering have been investigated, a search has been made for a possible physical basis for stuttering, conditions affecting severity of stuttering have been studied, and research on therapy has been attempted. This is an important book for psychologists, educators, social workers, physicians, parents, and others concerned with speech disorders. For those who devote their full effort to the problems discussedthe specialists in speech pathology and therapythe book is essential.
Flynn was , as usual , flanked by his gang — the Kaminsky twins , Wanker and Cheese , followed by Cueball Lebowitz , and , bringing up the rear , Cycle Griffiths , the only girl — if you could call her that -in Flynn's gang .
Provides guidance for the early assessment, diagnosis, and the treatments and adjunctive therapies available for each disorder of fluency. This work includes an overview of the knowledge regarding the influence...
Features: Broad overview of the current knowledge regarding the influence of language and phonology on stuttering, and the implications these factors have for assessment and treatment In-depth coverage of cluttering by the country's leading ...
La plupart du temps, ce bégaiement disparaît de lui-même, mais il devient chronique chez 1 % des jeunes enfants, et sur 4 d'entre eux, 1 restera bègue à l'âge adulte.
Without Hesitation: Speaking to the Silence and the Science of Stuttering
Aren McAllister is a beautiful but shy and withdrawn young woman who has battled a stuttering problem her entire life. But then she discovers that she is actually a witch and can cast potent spells ... but only by singing them.
This thoroughly updated edition provides an expansive discussion of the therapeutic journey to increasing fluency.
Getting the Words Out
Coping with Stuttering