Empowered: Seed

Empowered: Seed
Xlibris Corporation
Pat Munsamy


EMPOWERED If you want to know who you are in Christ and why you are empowered? Read this book. What are you empowered to do? Jesus was the seed of the woman. You are the seed of Jesus Christ because every born-again believer was born out of Him. He died to give you new life. One seed gave rise to hundreds and thousands of more seeds. If we truly love the Seed of the woman, then we will enthusiastically and willingly obey His mandate. Did Christ delegate His authority to just a few? Is this mandate given to every believer? Did He create every human being upon this earth? Does He love every human being and want them to come to the knowledge of Christ? Read this book. It will not only motivate, increase your faith, help you to live out Jesus Christ, make you faithful but also help you live a prosperous and a victorious life. This book will show how you are living below your expectation. There is a miracle in every seed! You are empowered to sow that seed. THE SEED IS THE WORD. Life! What is life? Life is encapsulated in a seed. The seed is the Word. Words, Words, Words! Powerful words! This must find an abiding place in the heart of the “would be believers.” The Holy Spirit hovers over the man. The Spirit and the Word work together. The Spirit helps to break up the fallow ground of the heart, causing furrows. The Word brings conviction which engenders repentance. The hearing ear causes the word to be embedded in the furrows of the heart. The “rain” of the Spirit helps the seed in the heart to germinate. The angelic host, sing hallelujah! A child is born into the Kingdom of God. What a joyous moment! Birthing always brings with it great rejoicing and joy unspeakable. Why did Jesus take those thirty nine stripes on His back? His flesh on His back was torn causing bleeding and gaping furrows. The seeds that fell into these furrows birthed the first fruits of His ministry. The Seed of the woman, who was scourged, broken and bruised did not go through this agony and pain in vain. His death on the cross birthed hundreds and millions of souls. Being born out of Jesus Christ is real life! Abundant life! Eternal life! THE SEED FAITH Faith! What is faith? “ Oh faithless and perverse generation...” Everyone has a measure of faith. How does this measure of “faith” translate to “ faith that moves mountains.” Faith is seed. The seed is the Word. Faith grows as the Word is heard. Faith flourishes and matures to bear fruit. How does this happen? The increase comes by hearing and hearing again the Word. Whether one is hearing the Word from the lips of others or listening to ones own voice or meditating on the Word or reading silently, the inner ear is listening to the Word. As this word enters the heart it becomes the Rhema Word. Living out the Word helps faith to grow. “For without faith it is impossible to please God” ( Hebrews 11 : 6 ) Obedience flows out of our faith in God. The Spirit of the Word has the “dunamis” power to increase our spiritual faith. Faith is like the electrifying power as we surrender in homage to our Creator God. Abraham is a very good example of such a faith He obeyed God without question. No wonder that he is referred to as the “Friend of God.” He walked with God and he sensitized his ear to hearing from God. God is not asking for big faith but faith the size of a seed. If your faith is a seed it will germinate and grow. When faith matures it will bear fruit, some thirtyfold, some sixty fold and others hundred fold. So faith is a fruit that God loves in everyone of us. “ If you have faith as a mustard seed you will say to this mountain, “ move from here to there, it will move and nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17: 18 – 20 THE SEED ANOINTINGou set apart and sanctified? Do you need protection and strength? Do you need empowerment to be defensive and offensive? You need to be empowered by the Spirit of God. He will fill you with His pow

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