Precision Abrasive Grinding in the 21st Century: Conventional, Ceramic, Semi Superabrasive and Superabrasive

Precision Abrasive Grinding in the 21st Century: Conventional, Ceramic, Semi Superabrasive and Superabrasive
Business & Economics
Xlibris Corporation
Harry G. Sachsel, C.A.E.


The writing of this book, Precision Abrasive Grinding in the 21st Century, began more than thirty-five years ago with the writing of “How To” technical briefs that went with our abrasive products so that one has a better understanding of the product and with the application could be better used. I continued to write “How To” technical briefs with and about new precision abrasive grinding products and systems. During the day, working on precision abrasive grinding applications, new ideas and information were learned. I wanted to retain this knowledge, so I decided to write the technical briefs. I wrote in the middle of the night. This was a great time to write down on a large yellow pad, my experiences of the day. This has continued for more than twenty years resulting in these two hundred sixty plus chapters and twelve sections. Unless one writes or records information, it can be lost or forgotten. In addition, you can learn more about the application and how to improve upon it by reviewing your notes and making changes. The chapters are not only a source of information for me, but now in book form, these can achieve abrasive product information for others. While writing about my precision abrasive application experiences, I wrote them in layman’s language so that all could gain and learn from me. Manufacturing, precision abrasive grinding, and life are a constant changing situation. So are the materials that are being used in all the new products. In the past, a simple metal product could be machined, heat-treated, and then ground if necessary, but now no longer is that true. Material science has developed new lightweight, hard metal, abrasive, ceramic, aerospace, medical, electronic materials that only abrasives can remove, size, shape, and finish. In the past, the use of abrasives and precision abrasive grinding was looked upon as an art . . . but not any longer as it has now become a true science. Here I’m in the year 2010 with all its problems and difficulties. War, unemployment, and all the other problems that you can think of, but here is one area with a bright light and that is manufacturing with precision abrasive grinding. It has to do with increasing productivity and making a better product at a competitive cost so that work once again comes back to USA. This will increase employment, productivity, profits, and make better products. This is why I’m having this book published. Harry G. Sachsel, CAE. E-mail: [email protected]

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