The Real Bible Code: Never Been Interested in God Religion or the Bible!

The Real Bible Code: Never Been Interested in God Religion or the Bible!
Xlibris Corporation
Valbert McCook


God was lonely and decided he wanted a Family – he made spiritual beings, Angels to help Him create the Universe. The Bible is the story of God’s plan. God that could have a place suitable for flesh = the earth. Throughout history, God selected certain characters before and after the flood, to record and pass down the past, present, and future events of God’s plan, The Bible. Manuscripts found and stolen by the Romans were used to make up the New Testament. Now the World can clearly see how God is getting his family together and have the opportunity to join in. The Bible is available to almost anyone on Earth, from doctors to hospitals, hotels, and prisons. Even in remote places they have the Bible or knew the stories before they were even given the book, which I find quite convincing. This takes us from our beginnings, to everlasting life, in a spiritual Kingdom with God. I repeat an everlasting life with God forever, no end. The Bible tells us how to save ourselves with our children/family from the coming dangers. All people that find the place of refuge will be saved from The Great Tribulation/ World War III. At the last plague, they are put back on the Earth in the flesh, for a 1000 years of peace. It takes this long to be cleansed from all filthiness, all disease, bacteria, etc. So God’s congregation will be fully cleansed spiritually, physically, and mentally, as Adam and Eve were in the beginning, perfect. They are a also given correct education and can listen to the Lord’s words without Satan’s influence, in preparation to meet God. All ungodly/evil people that insist on not listening to the words of God/Bible will burn to death in the lake of fire, a final death, no more life. Fallen Angels, Demons, men of renown and Giants (whom are the Fallen Angel’s offspring) will burn in the lake of fire for eternity. The Bible is not really a mystery, it has been portrayed as a mystery by the World, which belongs to Satan, who has explained the scriptures without Africans, which I have found impossible to do through my studies of the Bible. From an early age, this factor inspired me to confront religious leaders and speak to people who claimed they know the Bible, or have an interest in the Bible, always asking questions they hadn’t found the answers to that are clearly shown in the scriptures. I also spoke to people who dismiss the Bible. These people, some being atheists, mostly dismiss it because of the way the Bible has been portrayed to the World for generations. We have the real future events/Prophecies, which God went through a lot of trouble and death, sorrow and tears, to get this story to the people of the last days = us to day on planet Earth. We are the only generation who can see all World events and prove to ourselves whether they are happening or not. We also have the opportunity of becoming one of the Elect, which does not experience or go through death, but receives the reward of eternal life because we are living in the days of Jesus’s return and the end of Satan’s kingdom and reign. I hope this book has been an eye-opening experience for you all. Now comfort one another with the Gospel of the Kingdom of Christ. because time is running out. I hope to see you in THE KINGDOM.

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