Mother Jones: Revolutionary Leader of Labor and Social Reform defines Mother Jones as the most significant and relevant political voice for the working class to ever emerge from within the United States. Although Mary Harris "Mother" Jones identified herself as a socialist, her politics coincided with revolutionary syndicalism. The duality of Socialism and Syndicalism defined her role as a leader of labor and social reform during the late 1800s and early 1900s, and structured her beliefs and attitudes about women, which paralleled her general perceptions of class warfare. Jones has been dismissed as being simply a "hell-raiser" or reduced to a "folksy" or "colorful" old woman who endeared herself to the miners by taking up their cause. Most who wrote about her diminished or eliminated her historical and political significance by failing to establish that she changed the face of labor in this country forever. Some have even resorted to writing malicious and unprovable accusations about her. Others simply "did not do their homework." Mother Jones: Revolutionary Leader of Labor and Social Reform sets the record straight. Ms. Wake?s extensive research brings to light the impact Mother Jones had on the labor movement for nearly half a century and reveals Jones as an intellectual and a feminist voice.
Told in first-person, New York Times bestelling author, Jonah Winter, and acclaimed illustrator, Nancy Carpenter, share the incredible story of Mother Jones, an Irish immigrant who was essential in the fight to create child labor laws.
Autobiography of Mother Jones
Crossing years and continents, the harrowing story of the road to reunion for two Syrian brothers who—despite a homeland at war and an ocean between them—hold fast to the bonds of family.