The 6" x 9" perfect bound ISBN# book "Unknown" was originally released as the 5.5" x 8.5" perfect bound May 2011 issue (v220) of cc&d magazine (, byline: The UN-religious, NON-family oriented literary and art magazine, founded 1993), published by Scars Publications. Writers and artists included in this book are Je'free, CEE, Fritz Hamilton, Kristine Ong Muslim, Jay Marvin, Maxwell Baumbach, Nick Brazinsky, Kenneth DiMaggio, Brian Forrest, Kevin Heaton, Michael Ceraolo, Edward Michael O'Durr Supranowicz, Mel Waldman, Kriste A. Matrisch, Julie Kovacs, Michael H. Brownstein, the HA!man of South Africa, I.B. Rad, John Duncklee, Toni Menden, David Thompson, Melvin F. Ballew, Mark Graham, R. N. Taber, Janet Kuypers, Anne Turner Taub, Melissa Kosciuszko, Ronald Brunsky, Wes Heine, Aaron Wilder, Bob Johnston, Jim Meirose, Cheryl Townsend, Ted Rashkow, Nely Cab, Tendai R. Mwanaka, and Uzeyir Lokman CAYCI. The cover of this book includes an image of mass graves in Gettysbrg, Pennsylvania of unknown soldierwho died and are buried there (photo by Janet Kuypers).