"With its Lopez ruling in 1995, the US. Supreme Court signaled a new era in interpretation of the Commerce Clause of the Constitution. Boris Bittker, long one of the nation's pare-eminent tax authorities, turned his attention to analyzing this area of constitutional law, responding to the many unanswered questions in the wake of the Lopez decision, as well as the dramatic changes in other commerce areas, such as electronic commerce. Bittker on the Regulation of Interstate and Foreign Commerce is the only up-to-date treatise to examine the scope of the Commerce Clause, which is regarded as 'the king of the constitutional castle.' The book analyzes the entire unruly tangle of judicial opinions enunciating, refining, applying, and occasionally rejecting the dormant Commerce Clause, along with the Commerce Clause's other features and the four commerce-related provisions of the Constitution - the Import-Export Clause, the Tonnage Clause, the Federal Export Clause, and the Port Preference Clause. Together, the five constitutional provisions have the same target - state restrictions on national commerce. The book also explores and explains the effect of the interpretation of the commerce power on various industries, such as aviation, banking and financial services, insurance, and shipping"--P. preceding T.p.
Bittker on the Regularion of Interstate and Foreign Commerce: 2002 Supplement
... Boris I. Bittker, Bittker on the Regulation of Interstate and Foreign Commerce § 5.06 [New York: Aspen Law and Business, 1999 and supp.], describing preemption doctrine.) Even in the absence of congressional action, ...
Green (1946), the Supreme Court refused to accept a challenge brought under the guarantee clause of the Constitution and overturn an Illinois ... Senate Minority Leader Everett Dirk- sen led a personal crusade to overturn Reynolds v.
In sum, this book provides valuable insights into an area of significant importance to taxpayers, their advisors and policymakers as well.
“The idea that there was such a thing as a general law—or theory—of contract seems never to have occurred to the [Anglo-American] legal mind until Langdell,” observed Grant Gilmore. In fact, Dennis Patterson ...
A landmark work of more than one hundred scholars, The Heritage Guide to the Constitution is a unique line-by-line analysis explaining every clause of America's founding charter and its contemporary meaning.
John R. Wilke, U.S. Investigates Counterfeiting of Rare Wines, Wall St. J., Mar. 6, 2007, at A1. 2. Suzanne Mustacich, The Most ... Benjamin Wallace, The Billionaire's Vinegar 3-4 (2008). 6. Diana Macle & Tim Fish, Red Bicyclette ...
Maltz, Earl M. 2002. “The Fourteenth Amendment and Native American Citizenship. ... Mathis, Doyle. 1967. “Chisholm v. Georgia: Background and Settlement.” Journal of American History 54: 19–29. Matthews, Richard K. 1995.
... inherently suspect and, therefore, should be subjected to a “strict scrutiny” analysis. However, this approach was not adopted by a majority of the Court in subsequent decisions. The case came to the Court after Sharron Frontiero, ...
Melville Weston Fuller David Josiah Brewer Henry Billings Brown George Shiras Jr. Howell Edmunds Jackson Edward Douglass White Rufus Wheeler Peckham Joseph McKenna Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. William Rufus Day William Henry Moody Horace ...