Employment Discrimination Law is an innovative new skills-based text designed for flexible use. To add a skills component to lecture courses, it can be used in conjunction with traditional casebooks, and is also an ideal text for a free-standing practicum or seminar. Employment Discrimination Law functions as a "course in a box" providing readers with basic background law, including constitutional and statutory law governing the employment relationship; general drafting principles important to lawyers in any field as well as an overview of drafting issues specific to employment discrimination law; an introduction to the key research strategies and sources; an overview of the ethical issues likely to arise; and a solid preview of client counseling, negotiation strategy, and preventative lawyering. The text features a combination of text, sample documents, checklists, charts, and exercises. These well-crafted exercises, for students to complete individually or in groups, range from discrete questions to be researched and answered in a 5-minute small-group class session to much more detailed problems that could serve as final evaluative documents. Employment Discrimination Law is an innovative new skills-based text designed for flexible use. To add a skills component to lecture courses, it can be used in conjunction with traditional casebooks, and is also an ideal text for a free-standing practicum or seminar. Employment Discrimination Law functions as a "course in a box" providing readers with basic background law, including constitutional and statutory law governing the employment relationship; general drafting principles important to lawyers in any field as well as an overview of drafting issues specific to employment discrimination law; an introduction to the key research strategies and sources; an overview of the ethical issues likely to arise; and a solid preview of client counseling, negotiation strategy, and preventative lawyering. The text features a combination of text, sample documents, checklists, charts, and exercises. These well-crafted exercises, for students to complete individually or in groups, range from discrete questions to be researched and answered in a 5-minute small-group class session to much more detailed problems that could serve as final evaluative documents.
Consequently, this ground-breaking book will prove immeasurably valuable to any practitioner, academic, or policymaker interested in how the EU Court is fulfilling once again its constitutionalizing role, even in an area traditionally ...
Estudo comparado sobre o tratamento dado à discriminação no emprego no Direito do trabalho dos seguintes países:Estados Unidos, Reino Unido, Alemanha, França, Austrália, Coréia, Formosa, Japão.
The Handbook of Employment Discrimination Research encompasses critical discussions across different social science disciplines, as well as between legal scholars and social scientists.
Coauthored by two reporters from the recently released Restatement on Employment Law, this casebook provides considerable flexibility for an instructor teaching employment discrimination law, employment law, or a combination of both topics.
Employment discrimination law: Cumulative Suppl., 2002 [to the] 3. ed
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This book is divided into four parts.
Employment Discrimination continues to be a problem in the U.S. Employment Discrimination Law Under Title VII explores the various methods and definitions of discrimination in hiring practices and promotions encountered...
Employment Discrimination: Law & Practice, Fourth Edition provides luciddiscussion of difficult and complex legal problems.
The author has completely revamped, updated and augmented his coverage of employment discrimination, and the new book contains a comprehensive index, case table, and appendix materials.