The Torts Process skillfully employs a problem approach that challenges students' understanding by exploring both theoretical and real-life situations. The clear, balanced presentation enables students to comprehend the overarching structure and organization of Tort law. A lively mix of problems, cases, excerpts, notes, and questions facilitates learning. The Eighth Edition has thoroughly reviewed and updated cases and secondary sources, with recent and compelling cases substituted throughout. The text now incorporates the finalized Restatement (Third) of Torts: Liability for Physical and Emotional Harm. Expanded coverage of Tort theory includes "corrective justice" and the related ""civil recourse"" school of thought, complementing the law and economic theory perspective that has been a feature of the book since its inception. Notes on legal ethics and law and economics are completely revised. Problems have been refreshed and many new problems have been added. New material on Global Dimensions of Tort Law in Chapter 15 reflects the fact that the Supreme Court may determine that companies whose gas emissions contribute to climate change may be held liable under the federal common law of public nuisance. New Supreme Court cases have been added in the areas of preemption and punitive damages, for example Snyder v. Phelps, concerning constitutional limitations on intentional infliction of emotional distress liability. In addition, the Eighth Edition discusses the BP Oil Spill Fund in the chapter on alternative compensation mechanisms.
The Torts Process
The Torts Process, Ninth Editionuses a student-friendly, procedurally-focused approach that relies on proven problem-and-cases pedagogy to illuminate the overarching structure and organization of tort law.
New hypotheticals. A brief explanation of the nontraditonal approach to negligence. Additional examples on causation for more illustrative detail The chapter on negligence now appearing earlier. Economic analysis integrated into the text.
The Torts Process
The text now incorporates the finalized Restatement (Third) of Torts: Liability for Physical and Emotional Harm.
After your casebook, a Casenote Legal Brief is your most important reference source for the entire semester. The series is trusted for its expert summary of the principal cases in your casebook.
1984 Supplement to the Torts Process
With over 100 Casenotes published today in all key areas, ranging from Administrative Law to Wills, Trusts, and Estates each and every Casenote offers: professionally written briefs of the cases in your casebook coverage that is accurate ...
In support of its motion, Thomas submitted a memorandum of law and excerpts from the deposition of Huntington's president and chief operating officer, Kevin Clifford. According to Clifford's deposition testimony, Huntington owned and ...
After your casebook, Casenote Legal Briefs will be your most important reference source for the entire semester.