The broad national coverage and array of topics in Natural Resources Law is of interest to readers across the country. Most cases are introduced with a photo or map of the place, along with a context-setting paragraph. The text conveys the drama behind resource disputes and policy and the love-of-place. Each group of cases--both foundational cases as well as new decisions--begins with a factually rich discussion problem tailored to the cases that follow. Many problems mirror traditional essay exam questions; others raise contemporary policy issues. This highly teachable book groups readings into discrete, assignment-sized chunks of 25-40 pages, allowing coverage of 2-4 cases or one problem during each class section. The main emphasis is on primary sources, and each chapter opens with relevant statutory and regulatory sections. The Third Edition sees an expanded emphasis on energy, exploring the Deepwater Horizon disaster, fracking, renewable energy development on federal lands, and the Keystone XL Pipeline. Climate change is addressed in every chapter. More great problems appear alongside photographs and slides. New cases and notes examine Connecticut v. American Electric Powe r (climate change and nuisance law); Summers v. Earth Island Institute and Monstanto v. Geerston Seed Farms (standing); Carcieri v. Salazar (Indian Reorganization Act); Stop the Beach Renourishment v. Florida DEP and PPL Montana, LLC v. Montana (public trust); Arizona Cattle Growers' Ass'n v. Salazar and Center for Biological Diversity v. Kempthorne (Endangered Species Act); Edwards Aquifer Authority v. Day (water law); National Mining Ass'n v. Jackson (mountaintop removal/valley fill); and Casitas Municipal Water Dist. v. United States (regulatory takings and water rights.) Features: broad national coverage place-based introduces most cases with a photo or map, along with a context-setting paragraph conveys the drama behind resource disputes and policy and the love-of-place problem-based introduces each group of cases with a factually rich discussion problem tailored to the cases that follow problems mirror traditional essay exam questions or raise contemporary policy issues includes both foundational cases and new decisions teachable groups readings into discrete, assignment-sized chunks of 25-40 pages allows coverage of 2-4 cases or one problem during each class section puts the main emphasis on primary sources provides relevant statutory and regulatory sections in each chapter extensive teaching support package Thoroughly updated, the revised Third Edition presents: expanded emphasis on energy the Deepwater Horizon disaster fracking renewable energy developmenton federal lands the Keystone XL Pipeline greater coverage of climate change in every chapter
Hardbound - New, hardbound print book.
Lawrence J. MacDonnell is director and Sarah F. Bates is associate director of the Natural Resources Law Center at the University of Colorado School of Law. Bates is co-author, with...
Softbound - New, softbound print book.
To access this book's 2010 Update, click here. In addition, to bring the book up-to-date for 2011-12 before the new edition is released, click here. This casebook explores issues relating...
This book may also be of relevance to environmentalists, policy-makers, NGOs, and investors working in the natural resources field.
statement carefully to determine [135/1361whether “the review by the Commission's regulatory staff has been adequate.” And it must independently consider ...
This law school casebook helps instruct collegiate-level students on natural resources law. It's also intended to show students the challenges of managing natural resources policy. Starting with theories behind the...
Hardbound - New, hardbound print book.
The Fourth edition of Environmental and Natural Resources Law has the following updates: Survey coverage of both environmental law and natural resources law Update on the domestic law of climate change Emphasis on structure of regulation: ...
'This book is a very welcome addition to publications on globalisation and natural resources management.