Preparing for Practice is a fresh approach to the first semester of the 1L legal writing and research course, designed to guide students through their development of the essential skills needed to pass the bar and practice law. The coursebook combines practice-oriented case files with more theoretical background text, eliminating the need for instructors to create their own case files. The three cases included in the text teach students new skills and give them the chance to practice ones they've already learned. The case files are meant to represent the type of information students will encounter in practice, and are also similar to the File and Library found on the Multi-State Performance Test (MPT). This unique text will be published at one-year intervals, each version featuring new case files. This will prevent students from accessing the work product produced by students in previous years. Each version will be on a three-year revision cycle. Features: The text focuses on skills essential to passing the bar and to practicing law. Three fully developed case files teach students new skills presented in the preceding expository text, while also practicing skills presented earlier in the text. Allowing students to practice new skills and master older ones cements their abilities. Case files are true-to-practice. Case files are also similar to the File and Library found on the MPT. Three versions will be sold at one-year intervals, each featuring entirely new case files. Each version will be on a three-year revision cycle. This will prevent students from accessing the work product produced by students in previous years.
22 Cases that cite this headnote Attorneys and Law Firms *1083 Houston D. Perkins, pro se, Lowell; and Kathryn L. Sands of Kathryn L. Sands, P.A., Jacksonville, for Petitioner. Robert A. Butterworth, Attorney General; James W. Rogers, ...
Hughes, E., Kitzinger, J. and Murdock, G. (2006) 'The Media and Risk', in P. Taylor-Gooby and J. Zinn (eds) Risk in Social Science, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Huskins, J. (2003) Youth Work Support for Schools, Bristol: John ...
Authored by well-known pioneers in the field, this text is designed for first-year law students, providing the information they need to successfully write objective memos, opinion letters and e-mails.
Just Research provides students with the information and skills that will enable them to do thorough and cost-effective research as soon as they enter into practice.
This new edition has been updated to include recent developments in the f.
Understanding Social Work is a much-loved and highly acclaimed introduction to what is involved in the role, offering an excellent grounding in what the job is all about.
Preparing for Practice
In Preparing for Tantra, Preece draws on his experience as a Tantric Buddhist practitioner, meditation teacher, and psychotherapist to explain how to make the preliminary practices psychologically meaningful and spiritually transformative.
Holland, K., Roxburgh, M., Johnson, M., Topping, K., Watson, R., Lauder, W. and Porter, M. (2010) Fitness for practice in nursing and midwifery education in Scotland, United Kingdom, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 19(3/4): 461–469.
The Aboriginal health statistics still show an unacceptable discrepancy in life expectancy and in maternal and ... Little Children Are Sacred: Report of the Northern Territory Board of Inquiry Into the Protection of Aboriginal Children ...