Evidence: A Structured Approach

Evidence: A Structured Approach
Aspen Publishers
David P. Leonard, Victor J. Gold, Gary C. Williams


Buy anew versionof this Connected Casebook and receiveaccessto theonline e-book,practice questionsfrom your favorite study aids, and anoutline toolon CasebookConnect, the all in one learning solution for law school students. CasebookConnect offers you what you need most to be successful in your law school classes – portability, meaningful feedback, and greater efficiency. Evidence: A Structured Approachoffers a unique, structured approach facilitates learning and motivates students to prepare for class. One Federal Rule of Evidence introduces each section, followed by text explaining the background, rationale, and details of the rule. The text includes numerous diagrams as visual aids to learning and short transcripts that illustrate how the rules are applied in the courtroom. The authors emphasize the rules over cases, but include edited versions of some judicial opinions, including the seminal cases that every lawyer should know. The heart of the “structured approach” is the Questions for Classroom Discussion, which follow the narrative explanation for each rule. These questions consist of simple hypothetical cases allowing for a step-by-step analysis of each rule. Because students know what will be the focus of class discussion, they quickly learn that preparation pays off. The book’s website allows students to download the questions directly into their notes before class, freeing students to spend more time listening and thinking while in class. CasebookConnectfeatures: ONLINE E-BOOK Law school comes with a lot of reading, so access your enhanced e-book anytime, anywhere to keep up with your coursework. Highlight, take notes in the margins, and search the full text to quickly find coverage of legal topics. PRACTICE QUESTIONS Quiz yourself before class and prep for your exam in the Study Center. Practice questions fromExamples & Explanations,Emanuel Law Outlines,Emanuel Law in a Flashflashcards, and other best-selling study aid series help you study for exams while tracking your strengths and weaknesses to help optimize your study time. OUTLINE TOOL Most professors will tell you that starting your outline early is key to being successful in your law school classes. The Outline Tool automatically populates your notes and highlights from the e-book into an editable format to accelerate your outline creation and increase study time later in the semester.

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