Clear, lucid, and extremely accessible, Problems and Materials on the Sale and Lease of Goods helps students understand black letter law and the statutory language of Articles 2, 2A, 5, and 7 in the Uniform Commercial Code and related federal statutes. A sensible, flexible organization follows the order of the UCC, and is adaptable to many teaching styles. Drawing on experience in both teaching and writing, the authors provide thorough and practical coverage using a popular problems approach. The text s effective format, manageable length, and inclusion of the most important cases make Problems and Materials on the Sale and Lease of Goods concise and efficient. A Teacher s Manual provides sample syllabi, answers to all the problems in the text, and suggestions on the best ways to teach various topics. Hallmark features of Problems and Materials on the Sale and Lease of Goods: Uniform Commercial Code Thorough and up-to-date Manageable length Concise and lucid Effective format makes black letter law accessible and helps students understand statutory language Sensible, flexible organization follows the order of UCC Articles 2, 2A, 5, and 7 Adaptable to many teaching styles Popular problems approach straightforward and practical problems, with interesting fact patterns, illustrate the relevant issues and their resolution and help to put the consumer law statutes and regulations into context Distinguished authorship draws on experience in both teaching and writing Includes most important cases to illustrate the reactions of the courts to the issues Thoroughly updated, the Seventh Edition presents: An introduction to the UCC, especially as it addresses sales law Multiple-choice assessment questions, with analysis, for each chapter New cases, including: In re Sony Gaming Networks and Customer Data Security Breach Litigation; Western Dermatology Consultants, P.C. v. VitalWorks; Fish Net, Inc. v. ProfitCenter Software, Inc.; Deere and Co. v. Cabelka; Minkler v. Apple; Bissinger v. New Country Buffet; Hanwha Azdel, Inc. v. C and D Zodiac; Timoschuk v. Daimler Trucks North America; and Peace River Seed Co-Operative, Ltd. v. Proseeds Marketing, Inc. UCC Article 2 on Sales has increasingly been used to resolve disputes about software licenses and other high tech transactions. There are also interesting case development on the core areas of sales, such as warranty, acceptance, and remedies for breach, along with the ability of the parties to contract around the default rules of Article 2 Updated discussions of equipment leasing, of the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, of the effect of the Magnuson-Moss Act on privity, causation in warranty actions, and of the requirement that consumers give notice of breach of warranty Continued uncertainty about the application of the battle of the forms rule to common clauses, such as choice of forum provisions Effectiveness on limitations on remedies in high-tech and chemical contracts Widespread use of electronic documents of title, together with more state adoptions of most recent version of UCC Article 7
By concentrating on the exact statutory language of Articles 2, 2A, 5 and 7 in the Uniform Commercial Code and related federal statues, Douglas J. Whaley's popular problem-oriented casebook has...
The text's effective format, manageable length, and inclusion of the most important cases make Problems and Materials on the Sale and Lease of Goods concise and efficient.
Problems and Materials on Sales
Features the original Article 2 with its new judicial interpretations and refinements. Includes new cases and problems based on current cases. Explores Article 2 revisions emphasizing substantively revised sections such...
The book employs a popular problems approach—enjoyed by professors and students for interesting fact patterns—which illustrates relevant issues and their resolution and helps put consumer law statutes and regulations into context.
CasebookPlus Hardbound - New, hardbound print book includes lifetime digital access to an eBook, with the ability to highlight and take notes, and 12-month access to a digital Learning Library that includes self-assessment quizzes tied to ...
The second edition of a book on sales and leases of goods by two of the country's leading experts in commercial law.
The book uses a problem-based approach to help students master the applicable legal rules, understand how the law applies to both simple and complex commercial transactions, and learn how to use the law in planning transactions and drafting ...
Offering a sensible, flexible organization, the text follows the order of UCC Articles 3, 4, 4A, and 8, and is adaptable to many teaching styles.
TM: Problems & Materials Sale & Lease 4e