Family Law in Focus offers a comprehensive, practice-oriented approach to the legal and practical aspects of Family Law. By providing real-world scenarios throughout, the text gives students numerous opportunities to apply what they are learning, and solidify their understanding of important concepts. Clear explanatory text, Case Previews, and Case Follow-ups further clarify the doctrine and aid in student understanding. The purchase of this Kindle edition does not entitle you to receive 1-year FREE digital access to the corresponding Examples & Explanations in your course area. In order to receive access to the hypothetical questions complemented by detailed explanations found in the Examples & Explanations, you will need to purchase a new print casebook.
Texas Family Law: A Focus on Property Issues ; Direct & Cross Examination ; Suggested Questions, Ideas & Outlines
For a detailed analysis of the complexities of tracing, see J. Thomas Oldham, Tracing, Commingling, and Transmutation, 23 Fam. L.Q. 219 (1989). 25. See Aloysius A. Leopold, “Loss of Earning Capacity” Benefits in the Community Property ...
This seventh edition provides extensive discussion of recent cases and policy, the manner in which the ever-increasing incidence of family violence is being addressed under Australia's family law system, and developments in property matters ...
'A vivid, gorgeously garish, Technicolour portrait of a family. It's impossible not to let oneself go along for the ride and emerge at the book's end enlightened, touched, thrilling with laughter.
Family Law: Cases and Materials
This book is a superb companion for law students and practitioners alike, and can readily be used in a traditional theory-based class and in practicum courses.
A leading casebook in its field, Family Law, Fourth Edition, features: complete coverage of key family law topics, including Marriage (Part I), Divorce (Part II), and the Balance of Power among Parents, Children, and the State (Part III) a ...
This book encourages our use of psychological research and methods to inform understandings of family law. It considers issues including child custody, intimate partner violence, marriage and divorce, and child and elder maltreatment.
27 See Jennifer Baxter, 'Employment Characteristics and Transitions of Mothers in the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children' (Occasional Paper Number 50, Department of Social Services, 2013) for an analysis of how mothers with young ...
This book explores the series of issues that emerge at the intersection of disability, care and family law. Disability studies is an area of increasing academic interest.