Environmental Regulation: Law, Science, and Policy delivers unparalleled coverage of policy that focuses on the substance of environmental statutes, how they are translated into regulations, and the factors that affect real-world behavior. Self-contained chapters, written in a style accessible to the non-specialist, afford instructors flexibility in organizing courses. Effective teaching and study aids include charts and diagrams mapping the structure of each environmental statute, real-world-based problems and questions, “pathfinders” explaining where to find crucial source materials for every major topic, an extensive glossary, and a list of acronyms.
This book is a remarkable case study of an environmental policy initiative for a national environmental regulatory system in the information age.
This book provides an excellent overview of the state of research by presenting and discussing theoretical approaches towards a framework of environmental regulation and innovation, international case studies as well as econometric and ...
New areas covered in this edition include Prevention of Pollution from Ships, Shore Protection Act, National Coastal Zone Monitoring Act, Estuary Restoration Act, Organotin Antifouling Paint Control Act, and international environmental and ...
Managing Green Mandates describes how various federal environmental directives do not suit diverse conditions at the local level, and compel local communities to spend their revenues on reducing relatively minor risks to the public health.
The Lilliputians of Environmental Regulation offers a unique perspective about an understudied aspect of environmental policy, by sharing the stories of the front-line regulators that implement policy on a day-to-day basis in the United ...
New areas covered in this edition include Prevention of Pollution from Ships, Shore Protection Act, National Coastal Zone Monitoring Act, Estuary Restoration Act, Organotin Antifouling Paint Control Act, and international environmental and ...
The new environmental regulation Fiorino describes is based on performance rather than on a narrow definition of compliance and uses such policy instruments as market incentives and performance measurement.
Market-based Approaches to Environmental Regulation reviews the economics literature of market-based environmental regulations and design issues for environmental taxes and cap-and-trade systems.
In its refined Third Edition, this popular casebook responds to both changes in the field and user feedback. ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION: Law, Science, and Policy, Third Edition, Is skillfully designed to...
Also vocal were Democratic mayors Richard Daley of Chicago and Dennis Archer of Detroit.) To conservatives' delight, in May 1999, the D.C. Circuit threw out the air quality standards, ruling in part that the EPA's actions were arbitrary ...