A leader in its field, Basic Legal Research: Tools and Strategies, Sixth Edition, offers consistently clear instruction and a building block approach. Amy E. Sloan presents her subject in manageable parts that gradually build in complexity. Ideal as a course book or reference, this text offers flexibility and supports instruction in print and electronic research. A wealth of learning aids includes sample pages, examples, checklists, and summary charts. Exercises in the accompanying workbook provide more opportunities to test and apply legal research tools and strategies. The Sixth Edition is completely revised and provides thorough instruction in the features and use of the main research platforms. Its updated coverage includes WestlawNext, Lexis Advance, and Bloomberg Law. Written and presented with logic and clarity, Basic Legal Research: Tools and Strategies, Sixth Edition, features: Clear, step-by-step instruction covers the basics of legal research, A building-block approach that breaks the material into discrete and comprehensible parts, Self-contained chapters on research sources that make the book adaptable to any type of legal research course, End-of-chapter checklists, numerous examples, and summary charts that aid in understanding, retention, and review, Updated sample pages, screen shots, and references to research sources, Completely website: http://www.aspenlawschool.com/books/sloan_basiclegal6e.
Teacher's Answer Key to Accompany Legal Research and Citation Student Library Exercises
Winner of the 1989 Joseph L. Andrews award, Gibson's first edition has been expanded to include coverage on Indian law (in New York State), & a section devoted entirely to New York City legal research. contains Internet addresses & provides ...
Assignments designed to accompany: Fundamentals of legal research (6th ed.) or Legal research illustrated (6th ed.).
Iowa Legal Research
Softbound - New, softbound print book.
The book begins with an overview of the research process and legal analysis so that the reader can better understand the nature of these complementary components in finding and reviewing the law.
"The book concentrates on the law in England and Wales.
Legal Research Exercises: Accompany Cohen, Berring and Olson's How to Find the Law, Ninth Edition and Finding the Law
Legal Research Exercises, Instructor's Manual
Instructor's Manual for Legal Research Exercises to Accompany Cohen, Berring and Olson's How to Find the Law (9th Ed.) and...