Traversing the Ethical Minefield: Problems, Law, and Professional Responsibility, Fourth Edition offers students accessible, teachable problems and notes that clarify and encourage analysis of the law governing lawyers. The book's innovative pedagogy (combination of relevant and interesting problems faced by fictitious law firm Martyn and Fox, cases, ethics opinions, thematic notes, and short stories) supports its focus of teaching the Model Rules of Professional Conduct and the Restatement of the Law Governing Lawyers as well as conveying the complexities of ethical dilemmas in legal practice. The book's manageable length makes it short enough to provide focus, but long enough to convey the rich texture of the material.
It uncovers reasons why lawyers find divorce practice frustrating and difficult and why clients frequently feel dissatisfied with their lawyers. This new work provides a unique perspective on the dynamics of professionalism.
54 Cunningham explains that translations always change the original story because translations are never perfect.55 At the same time, translations give a voice to people who could not otherwise be understood. As Cunningham says ...
LANCE WAS BORN and raised on Point Cadet , an old fishing community on a small peninsula jutting into the Bay of Biloxi . The Point was a working neighborhood where the immigrants landed and the shrimpers lived .
Compare , Ronald D. Rotunda , Media Accountability In Light of the First Amendment , 21 SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY & POLICY 269 ( Cambridge University Press , No. 2 , 2004 ) , reprinted in , ELLEN FRANKEL Paul , FRED D. MILLER JR . , & JEFFREY ...
PLI Ethics Programs -- Winter 2019
Managing Difficult Divorce Relationships: A Multimedia Training Programme for Family Lawyers
The correct name and address of the party you want to sue. • A short and concise statement explaining the basis for the commencement of your lawsuit against the defendant. // you want to sue someone located outside your county, ...
Attorney-Client Privilege and Work-Product Doctrine: Corporate Applications
consists of asking profound questions and hosting wide-ranging strategic conversations on issues of substance. —From Eric E. Vogtjuanita Brown, and David Isaacs, "The Art of Powerful Questions, Catalyzing Insight, Innovation, ...
Co., 132 F.R.D. 1, 3 (D.D.C. 1990), .... 1100 United States v. White, 887 F.2d 267, 271 (D.C. Cir. 1989), 410 United States v. White, 950 F.2d 426, 430 (7th Cir. 1991), 133, 247, 1163, 1367 United States v. White, 970 F.2d 328, 334, ...