#1 New York Times bestselling author John C. Maxwell's latest book will enhance the lives of leaders, professionals, and anyone who wants to achieve success and personal growth. We often treat the word capacity as if it were a natural law of limitation. Unfortunately, most of us are much more comfortable defining what we perceive as off limits rather than what's really possible. Could it be that many of us have failed to expand our potential because we have allowed what we perceive as capacity to define us? What if our limits are not really our limits? In his newest book, John Maxwell identifies 17 core capacities. Some of these are abilities we all already possess, such as energy, creativity and leadership. Others are aspects of our lives controlled by our choices, like our attitudes, character, and intentionality. Maxwell examines each of these capacities, and provides clear and actionable advice on how you can increase your potential in each. He will guide you on how to identify, grow, and apply your critical capacities. Once you've blown the "cap" off your capacities, you'll find yourself more successful--and fulfilled--in your daily life.
When the results went up on the big board, I reached over to Ryan's lane; we shook hands and patted each other on the head. Ryan's bronze has, in some quarters, been overlooked, too. No way should it be—and this is no knock on Laszlo, ...
The true story of a compulsive gambler whose habit led to the biggest bank scam in history. - Cover.
Axe doesn’t suffer from addiction.
F*ck the no fraternizing policy. I want to own her, mark those t*ts as mine, claim her - forever. And I want her to have my baby! Guess some lines are to be crossed, right?
Be the caring and positive force that girls need Social media, friendships, dating culture, academic pressures, bullying, self-concept, fear of failure... These are just a few of the complex challenges facing adolescent girls.
The Heat is On . . . Simon Baptiste's latest SG-5 mission just went south in a major way.
C.1 COUNTY FUNDS. GALE. 12-31-2008. $32.95.
No Limits: The Fundamentals of No-Limit Holdem
A penetrating look at Bob Stupak, controversial casino owner and builder of the Stratosphere Tower, the tallest structure west of the Mississippi.
A reprint of the powerful novel by Chilean writers, José Donoso.