How to Make Money Speaking

How to Make Money Speaking
Pelican Publishing
Winston K. Pendleton


"[A] nationally known speaker reveals many of his secrets for successful-and profitable--speech-making in this entertaining volume." The Rotarian "Persons interested in becoming professional speakers will find many practical suggestions and aids in this book written by a successful after-dinner speaker . . . Not only will the aspiring professional speaker get help, but the person who speaks occasionally 'for free' will also find many valuable suggestions." Media Library Services Journal "How does one get started on a transition from amateur to professional speaker? How does he get paid engagements? What kinds of speeches are oraganizations willing to pay for? What special techniques will benefit professionals? How much should one charge, or expect to get? These are some of the matters which, in addition to general speech advice, are discussed by a man who is already a pro." The Augusta Journal Win Pendleton, for years one of America's most successful professional speakers, shows you how, step-by-step, to become a speaker and be paid well for it. Advice on how to choose the subject, research and write the speech, how to be an effective master of ceremonies, how to locate prospective clients, how to price a speech, and how to close a deal will help anyone who has contemplated speaking professionally.

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