This issue provides a unique perspective on the topic of Successful Aging whcih will cover article topics such as: Normal Aging: Theories, Aging and Disease Prevention, Aging, hormones and hormone replacement, Aging and Diet, Aging and the Effects of Vitamins and Supplements, Aging and Toxins, Aging and the Preservation of Neurologic Function, Aging and the Psychological Outlook, Aging and Exercise, State of the Art "Anti Aging Centers" Around the World, and Interviews, anecdotes and wisdom from centurions in the US.
The president of New York's Mount Sinai Hospital and a professor of public health present the findings of a MacArthur Foundation study showing that healthy aging is dependent on diet, exercise, and self-esteem rather than genes
More and more people live into old age. This demographic revolution underscores the fact that old age is the last uncharted and unattended phase of the life cycle.
Holahan , C. J. , Moos , R. H. , Holahan , C. K. , & Brennan , P. L. ( 1995 ) . Social support , coping , and depressive symptoms in a late - middle - aged sample of patients reporting cardiac illness . Health Psychology , 14 , 152–163 ...
This book explores concepts and practices for productive aging: What factors contribute to successful aging? What is the role of exercise and nutrition? What is the role of children and adults in interaction with elders?
This essential volume explores the vital role of communication in the aging process and how this varies for different social groups and cultural communities.
Retirement, happiness, and brain health are some of the many topics covered in this book. Better with Age shows what we can do now, at any stage in life, to make sure we enjoy old age.
Filled with illustrative anecdotes and enhanced with a lovely selection of poems, this reassuring book demonstrates how it is possible to direct and control the aging experience.
This Handbook outlines the latest discoveries in the study of aging from bio-medicine, psychology, and socio-demography.
This book offers a fresh look at a major cultural and public health movement of our time, questioning what has become for many a taken-for-granted goal—aging in a way that almost denies aging itself.
Backed by the latest scientific research, introduces ten tips for successful aging intended to help readers optimize their lifestyles and extend the active period of old age.