Take your understanding to a whole new level with Pageburst digital books on VitalSource! Easy-to-use, interactive features let you make highlights, share notes, run instant topic searches, and so much more. Best of all, with Pageburst, you get flexible online, offline, and mobile access to all your digital books. Written specifically for nurse anesthetists, Nurse Anesthesia, 5th Edition provides comprehensive coverage of both scientific principles and evidence-based practice. It offers a complete overview of anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, and pathophysiology, and offers practical coverage of equipment and anesthesia management. This edition includes updated information on pharmacokinetics, clinical monitoring, drug delivery systems, and complications, and revises chapters on airway management and anesthesia for cardiac surgery. Written by leading nurse anesthesia experts John Nagelhout and Karen Plaus, this perennial bestseller prepares anesthesia students and CRNAs for today's clinical anesthesia practice. Over 650 figures of anatomy, nurse anesthesia procedures, and equipment depict complex concepts and information. An easy-to-use organization covers basic principles first, and builds on those with individual chapters for each surgical specialty. UPDATED references make it quick and simple to find the latest and most important research in the field. Over 700 tables and boxes highlight the most essential information in a quick, easy-to-reference format. Expert CRNA authors provide the current clinical information you’ll use in daily practice. UPDATED pharmacology information includes pharmacokinetics, drug delivery systems, opiate antagonists, and key induction drugs. Over 100 NEW photos and illustrations enhance your understanding of difficult anesthesia concepts. UPDATED Airway Management and Anesthesia for Cardiac Surgery chapters are thoroughly revised. NEW coverage includes robotics, screening applications, and non-operating room best practices.
Thorn K, Thorn SE, Wattwil M. The effects of cricoid pressure, remifentanil, and propofol on esophageal motility and the lower esophageal sphincter. Anesth Analg. 2005;100(4):12004203. ]eske H, et al. The influence of postural changes ...
NEW! Full-color design and figures clarify difficult concepts and give the text a contemporary look and feel. NEW! Co-author Sass Elisha brings a fresh perspective to this edition.
Sass Elisha. musculature protects the upper thorax and fractures that occur to the first three ribs are reflective of a high-energy trauma. This injury is associated with brachial plexus and subclavian vascular injuries.
Overweight and obese patients may self-prescribe “natural'' herbs and plant concoctions such as ma huang or diet teas that contain ephedra and unknown quantities of other stimulants. Surgical approaches designed to treat obesity can be ...
On his reply of 5 hours, she continues to prepare for the case, including requesting a second x-ray gown (in addition to the x-ray gown and thyroid shield already in the room). As the case begins, she puts the two x-ray gowns on (one ...
Pharmacology for Nurse Anesthesiology provides appropriate chemical, biological, and physical information of the actions, interactions, and reactions of medication, particularly as they apply and impact the practice of nurse anesthesia.
Paul Barash, Bruce F. Cullen, Robert K. Stoelting, Michael Cahalan, M. Christine Stock, Rafael Ortega. The nature and site of the surgical procedure is an ... In: Zakim and Boyer's Hepatology: A Textbook of Liver Disease. 6th ed.
Difficult airway society guidelines for the management of tracheal extubations. Anaesthesia. 2012;67:318–340. 6. Coté CJ, Lerman J, Anderson BJ, eds. A Practice of Anesthesia for Infants and Children. Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders ...
Prepare to succeed on the CPAN® and CAPA® exams with this authoritative guide from ASPAN!
Watchful Care: A History of America's Nurse Anesthetists