AANA Advanced Arthroscopy: The Foot and Ankle, by Ned Amendola, MD and James W. Stone, MD, helps you make the most effective use of advanced and emerging, state-of-the-art arthroscopic techniques for managing a wide range of foot and ankle problems. Premier arthroscopic surgeons discuss disease-specific options, managing and avoiding complications, and rehabilitation protocols...in print and online. 14 videos demonstrate brostrum repair, ankle arthroscopy in acute ankle fracture, chevron malleolar osteotomy and OATS, radial TFCC repair with anchor, endoscopic treatment of FHL tendinopathy, anterior ankle arthroscopy for fusion, great toe arthroscopy for soft tissue impingement, and more. Access the fully searchable text, along with a video library of procedures and links to PubMed, online at expertconsult.com. Stay current through coverage of hot topics like Osteochondral Lesions of the Talar Dome: Cartilage Replacement, Tendoscopy; Degenerative Arthritis of the Ankle; Complex Fusions: Ankle, Subtalar, and Triple; and Great Toe Arthroscopy. Hone your skills thanks to 14 videos of techniques—on Brostrum Repair, Ankle Arthroscopy in Acute Ankle Fracture, Chevron Malleolar Osteotomy and OATS, Radial TFCC Repair with Anchor, Endoscopic Tx of FHL Tendinopathy, Anterior Ankle Arthroscopy for Fusion, Great Toe Arthroscopy for Soft Tissue Impingement, and more—performed by experts. See arthroscopic surgical details in full color and understand nuances through interpretative drawings of technical details. Optimize surgical results and outcomes with an emphasis on advanced and emerging arthroscopic techniques, surgical tips, and pearls.
Owens BD, Crane GK, Plante T, et al. Treatment of type III tibial intercondylar eminence fractures in skeletally immature ... Lubowitz JH, Grauer JD. Arthroscopic treatment of anterior cruciate ligament avulsion. Clin Orthop Relat Res.
Preceded by: AANA advanced arthroscopy. The hip / [edited by] J.W. Thomas Byrd, Carlos A. Guanche. Philadelphia: Saunders/Elsevier, c2010.
Heckman DS, Reddy S, Pedowitz D, et al. Operative treatment for pe- roneal tendon disorders. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2008;90:404-418. 17. Safran MR, O'Malley D Jr, Fu FH. Peroneal tendon subluxation in athletes: new exam technique, ...
Presents the latest diagnostic, excisional, and reconstructive techniques in arthroscopic surgery for the elbow and wrist.
Preceded by AANA advanced arthroscopy. The foot and ankle / [edited by] Annunziato Amendola, James W. Stone. Philadelphia: Saunders/Elsevier, c2010.
Richard L. Angelo, James Esch, Richard K. N. Ryu. suture breakage, sutures pulling ... Abbi G, Espinoza L, Odell T, et al: Evaluation. 1. Barber FA, Boothby MH. ... Deakin M, Stubbs D, Bruce W, et al. Suture strength and angle of load ...
Presents the latest diagnostic, excisional, and reconstructive techniques in arthroscopic surgery for the knee.
Preceded by: AANA advanced arthroscopy. The shoulder / [edited by] Richard L. Angelo, James C. Esch, Richard K.N. Ryu. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders/Elsevier, 2010.
The Cowboy's Conundrum: Complex and Advanced Cases in Shoulder Arthroscopy. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2017.) Attention is then turned to preparing the coracoid graft. A Chandler or blunt Hohmann retractor is placed under the neck ...