Ophthalmic Surgery: Principles and Practice E-Book

Ophthalmic Surgery: Principles and Practice E-Book
Elsevier Health Sciences
George L. Spaeth, Helen Danesh-Meyer, Ivan Goldberg


Ophthalmic Surgery, edited by Drs. George Spaeth, Helen Danesh-Meyer, Ivan Goldberg, and Anselm Kampik, provides the detailed, full-color, step-by-step guidance you need to master essential ophthalmic surgery procedures. The international team of expert editors and contributors present coverage of the latest surgical developments and video demonstrations of key techniques across subspecialties, including cataract, cornea, refractive, glaucoma, oculoplastic, extra-ocular muscle, vitreoretinal, and ocular tumor procedures. What’s more, the fully searchable text, procedural videos, and a downloadable image gallery are all online at www.expertconsult.com, making this multimedia resource the key to performing confidently in the operating room. Refer to the most important steps in each procedure quickly and easily with an appendix of step-by-step hand notes. Perform a wide variety of procedures with confidence using the focused coverage that pinpoints essential information and avoids extraneous details. Get comprehensive coverage across key subspecialties—oculoplastic, strabismus, cornea, refractive, cataract, glaucoma, ocular tumors, and vitreoretinal—and master the basics for every common procedure. Access the fully searchable contents online at www.expertconsult.com, along with procedural videos and a downloadable image gallery. Apply the latest advances in laser surgery that have become standard practice with the new section on refractive surgery. Master key techniques thanks to more than four hours of narrated online videos that demonstrate procedures across eight subspecialties. Gain a more nuanced visual understanding through a new full-color art program with over 800 illustrations, updated and revised drawings, color images, and step-by-step illustrated procedures. Tap into the expertise of leading authorities in the field with a brand new editorial team from North America, Europe, and Australasia, as well as international contributors who provide global perspectives across all subspecialties in ophthalmic surgery.

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