Juvenile Justice: An Introduction

Juvenile Justice: An Introduction
Juvenile Justice
Social Science
Steven P. Lab, John T. Whitehead


Juvenile Justice: An Introduction is a student-friendly analysis of all aspects of the juvenile justice system. The book covers the history and development of the juvenile justice system and the unique issues related to juveniles, including police interaction, court processes, due process, movements toward diversion and deinstitutionalization, and community intervention. This book also examines particular issues within juvenile justice, such as female delinquency, gang delinquency, and the use of the death penalty and Life Without Parole with juveniles. Evidence-based suggestions for successful interventions and treatment are included, with a focus on performing cost-benefit analyses of what works versus what is ineffective with juveniles. The book concludes with a look to the future of the juvenile court, including the real possibility of abolition. Provides an engaging introduction to all aspects of the juvenile justice system in America. This seventh edition builds on a trusted and well-known textbook with new material on key issues such as sexting, bullying, social media, and the issues of non-delinquent youths. Robust offerings for students include study questions, discussion questions, "What You Need to Know" sections in each chapter, key terms identified, online case study questions, and links to relevant websites. Instructors are provided with helpful test question banks, lesson plans, sample syllabi, PowerPoint lecture slides, and links to useful websites. Glossary consolidates key terms with definitions.

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