The updated edition of Surgical Pathology of the GI Tract, Liver, Biliary Tract and Pancreas is designed to act as a one-stop medical reference book for the entire gastrointestinal system, providing exhaustive coverage and equipping you with all of the necessary tools to make a comprehensive diagnostic workup. You'll access thousands of high-quality illustrations and eight brand-new chapters, so you can recognize and diagnose any pathological slide you encounter. Consult this title on your favorite e-reader, conduct rapid searches, and adjust font sizes for optimal readability. Make a comprehensive diagnostic workup with data from ancillary techniques and molecular findings whenever appropriate. Effectively grasp complex topics and streamline decision-making by using extensive tables, graphs, and flowcharts. Avoid diagnostic errors thanks to practical advice on pitfalls in differential diagnosis. Navigate the book quickly with a "road map" featured at the beginning of each chapter. Provide the clinician with the most accurate and up-to-date diagnostic and prognostic indicators, including key molecular aspects of tumor pathology, with access to the latest classification and staging systems available. Evaluate diagnostically challenging cases using diagnostic algorithms. Stay abreast of the latest advances with eight new chapters: Autoimmune Disorders of the GI Tract; Drug Induced Disorders of the GI Tract; Molecular Diagnostics of Tubal Gut Neoplasms; Molecular Diagnostics of the Gallbladder, Extrahepatic Biliary Tree, and Pancreatic Tumors; Tumors of the Ampulla; Molecular Diagnostics of Hepatocellular Neoplasms; Approach to the Liver Biopsy, and Approach to Gastrointestinal Tract Biopsies. Remain at the forefront of your field with coverage of new molecular and genetic markers in GI neoplasms; updated knowledge on liver and biliary tree pathology; and expanded information on tumors of the ampulla. Recognize and diagnose any tissue sample under the microscope with help from over 3000 high-quality color illustrations.
Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access an image bank, as well as all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Carney found a 13% mortality rate; even some patients who developed liver metastases survived for many years with stable disease.20 A number of families have been reported worldwide to have familial GIST syndrome, which seems to be ...
Uses a new “road map at the beginning of each chapter, as well as a new, more clinical focus to help you navigate through the book more quickly.
Vincent-Salomon A, Jouve M, ... Emmert-Buck MR, Bonner RF, Smith PD, et al. Laser capture microdissection. Science. 1996;274:998–1001. Fend F, Emmert-Buck MR, Chuaqui R, et al. Immuno-LCM: laser capture microdissection of immunostained ...
Adsay NV, Klimstra DS: Tumors of the gallbladder and extrahepatic bile ducts. In Odze RD, Goldblum JR, editors: Surgical Pathology of the GI Tract, Liver, Biliary Tract, and Pancreas, Philadelphia, 2015, Elsevier, pp 1021–1054.
Population pharmacokinetics of remifentanil in patients undergoing orthotopic liver transplantation. Chin Med J. 2009;122(9):1032–1038. ... Odze & Goldblum: Surgical Pathology of the GI Tract, Liver, Biliary Tract, and Pancreas. 2nd ed.
Adsay NV, Klimstra DS: Benign and Malignant Tumors of the Gallbladder and Extrahepatic Biliary Tract. In Odze RD, Goldblum JR, editors: Surgical Pathology of the GI tract, Liver, Biliary Tract, and Pancreas, ed 2, Philadelphia, 2009, ...
Tumours of the nipple - 5. Mesenchymal tumours of the breast - 6. Haematolymphoid tumours of the breast - 7. Tumours of the male breast - 8. Metastases to the breast - 9. Genetic tumours syndromes of the breast.
Gastric Antral Vascular Ectasia (Watermelon Stomach) Feldman M, Freidman LS, Sleisenger MH, editors: Sleisenger and Fordtran's gastrointestinal and liver disease, ed 7, Philadelphia, 2002, WB Saunders. Gostout CJ, Viggiano TR, ...
Deshpande V, Lauwers GY, 2007: Cystic pancreatic endocrine tumor: a variant commonly confused with cystic adenocarcinoma. ... In Odze RD, Goldblum JR (eds): Surgical Pathology of the GI Tract, Liver, Biliary Tract, and Pancreas.