Safety and Reliability in Pediatrics, An Issue of Pediatric Clinics - E-Book

Safety and Reliability in Pediatrics, An Issue of Pediatric Clinics - E-Book
Elsevier Health Sciences
Max J. Coppes, Brian Jacobs


The Guest Editors have assembled an international list of top experts to present the most current information to pediatricians about patient safety. The issue has a primarily clinical focus with a few articles addressing the business and practice of patient safety. Articles are devoted to the following topics: Developing performance standards and expectations for safety; The role of CPOE in patient safety; The role of smart infusion pumps on patient safety; Abstracted detection of adverse events in children; The role of effective communication (including handoffs) in patient safety; Reducing mortality resulting from adverse events; Optimizing standardization of case reviews (morbidity and mortality rounds) to promote patient safety; Impact of (resident) duty work hours on patient safety; Role of simulation in safety; The role of diagnostic errors in patient safety; The role of collaborative efforts to reduce hospital acquired conditions; Patient safety in ambulatory care; Role of FDA and pediatric safety; and Patient safety through the eyes of a parent.

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