Published in collaboration with the ONS, this text is the definitive source for concepts and practices in oncology nursing and can be used for orientation of nurses to oncology, inservice and continuing education programs for practicing nurses, a basis for curriculum development in graduate programs, and as a review tool for certification. Based on the blueprint of the certification examination by the ONCC (Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation), the book is in outline format to help readers focus on the most important information. Instructor resources available; contact your sales representative for details. Covers the entire scope of the specialty ensuring comprehensive coverage Outline format helps the reader focus on the most important information Effective guide for teaching and learning for in-service, continuing education, and academic programs Powerful study tool for the ONCC certification exam Tables and figures illustrate complex concepts * Entirely revised, updated, and expanded to reflect the current state of oncology nursing practice. * Expanded pain management content. * New content on nonpharmacologic interventions (e.g. heat massage, imagery). * New content on alternative therapies.
4. Low-dose warfarin (Coumadin) in patients with long-term indwelling central venous catheters. II. ... The Washington manual of oncology. ... Retrieved 7-2-2004 from ...
Prepare for your OCN(R) Exam with the only study guide endorsed by ONS! Based on the latest test blueprint for the OCN Exam, this is the only question-and-answer review developed in collaboration with the Oncology Nursing Society.
Published in collaboration with the ONS, this Study Guide is a must-have for those who are taking the certification exam. The chapters parallel those presented in the Core Curriculum for...
Prepare for your OCN® Exam with the only study guide endorsed by ONS! Based on the latest test blueprint for the OCN Exam, this is the only question-and-answer review developed in collaboration with the Oncology Nursing Society.
Spector R : Cultural diversity in health and illness , ed 6 , Upper Saddle River , NJ , 2004 , Pearson Education . Taylor R : Addressing barriers to cultural competence . J Nurs Staff Dev 21 : 135-142 , 2005 .
***Includes Practice Test Questions*** OCN Exam Secrets helps you ace the ONCC Oncology Certified Nurse Exam, without weeks and months of endless studying.
Essentials of Pediatric Hematology/oncology Nursing: A Core Curriculum
"Nursing Patients with Cancer: Principles and Practice is a major new text: a comprehensive evidence-based source book that provides a detailed foundation for adult cancer nursing.
Gray, M., Wasner, M., & Nichols, T. (2019). Nursing practice related to intermittent catheterization: A cross-sectional survey. Journal of Wound Ostomy & Continence Nursing , 46 (5), 418–423. Griffiths, D. (2015).
A valuable resource for all oncology practice settings that focuses on nursing diagnoses for specific cancers and oncologic emergencies, with the emphasis on the nursing interventions and supportive rationales for...