"A Bombshell..." “Outstanding and a must read for anyone over 40 or anyone who is contemplating surgery. A real eye opener to say the very least. I am on my third reading…”“Five Stars. This book is an on-target indictment of dangerous, unethical, and money-driven factions within our health care industry. Many ill patients receive quality care in America, but far too many are also victims of the dark heart that poisons American healthcare. Read it. It could save your life.” – Patient Safety America“It lays bare an example of the issue that lies at the base of our skyrocketing medical costs and our skyrocketing rates of medical harm. I think it is a bombshell.”“A gripping narrative… a good read…” – Brad Wright, Wright on Health“A brilliant expose´ of the current role of industry in rapid technological advance and its need for profit from its efforts. Dan Walter highlights the uncomfortable relationship that industry now has with the medical profession… an eloquent indictment of the health care mess.” – Brian Todd, Author, The Third Lion“Riveting… A fascinating story, and a very important one… “ – UKAPress.com“It is, simply put, a must read for anyone who truly cares about patients. I have learned much by seeing this unique viewpoint.” - Hypocafeinemia“A great story, a must read by all interventional cardiologists and electrophysiologists. This is a real life experience of a patient who underwent a electrophysiology study and ablation procedure for atrial fibrillation. It describes the how the procedure became a nightmare. Written in a most readable fashion. Interventional cardiologists need not get hurt by this narration instead they should do a reality check on the dangers of the some of the complex procedures.” - Dr. S. Venkatesan“I highly recommend this book. It is a well-written study of one person's experience at the hands of the most exalted research hospital in our country. I am a medical malpractice defense attorney. I read Mr. Walter's book because I wanted to hear a patient's viewpoint… Mr. Walter brilliantly tells the story of how one of the foremost teaching/research hospitals in the country practiced on his wife without disclosing that they were doing so. I was riveted, and ultimately ashamed of what is an all too common practice. I wish that all of the physicians at Johns Hopkins would read it, and realize that their patients are not research rats.” – Amazon.com Customer Reviews“This is a high-speed read. The torture this patient endured is vividly told not to mention the heartache – so beautifully described – of both. It is well researched and diligently narrated. As I read it, I can feel a number of emotions ranging from sadness, frustration, fear and then anger. I didn't know whether to blow a big whistle or just cry. The voice is both clear and compassionate. I love this book.” – Claire Stibbe, Author, Chasing Pharaohs“It is very difficult to adequately explain to patients the complexity of this procedure, the uncertainties regarding success and the myriad of complications that can occur. I will recommend this book to every patient considering this procedure from now on.”“Good Writing! Intriguing style.”“I am a practicing cardiologistwho did electrophysiology training. Your story is honest, true and a very apt and telling description of a horror story.”“I work at Hopkins and unfortunately have experienced a similar situation. Your voice is important. Thank you for publishing this. We need to look at ourselves and understand if we're really performing as the BEST hospital. We have a long way to go. Your story needs to be heard by all.”“My knees and hands were trembling as I read the already published nine chapters.”” … scared the *% out of me!"
We arrived to find the shop owner had three trusted staff who had worked with him for a number of years. The four staff dispensed loans from behind a ...
At 12.10 pm, Juliedropped by Warren's office and said, 'I didn't have any breakfast and I'm ... Warren wason the phone;she said briefly, 'No worries.
There, Charles became the rector of St. James Church in Port Gibson, a small town about halfway between Natchez and Vicksburg. Why he left after serving Christ Church for nearly three decades is a mystery, though his marriage to a ...
A 04 - Cherry Wesley 34-W: 18 11, D. 19 - Christian, James Ineligible 22, D, 14 - Clark. Alvin A. On File 21, A, 13 - Clark. David Ineligible 26. A 12 - Clark. William A. 59–E: 25 19, D, 16 - Clendennen, Robert Ned 45–W: 24 09, D 09 ll.
There was no sign in the house of the $10,000 Clark had withdrawn from the credit union the previous day or of his billfold with the $500 to $600 pocket money he usually carried around with him. Two rings he wore were still on his ...
Rogers spent the night at the Clark County Detention Center, and was released the next afternoon. ... The white 1979 Mercury was owned by Russell E. Wright of Hamilton and still carried the Ohio license tags when the officers spotted it ...
Including exclusive photographs and previously unseen evidence, this is a truly heart-stopping record of one of the most elaborate and disturbing cases of abuse in modern times.
Three years later, a surprise witness exposed the murderers as Missy’s two best friends—one of whom was Karen. New York Times–bestselling author Karen Kingsbury delivers a story full of twists, turns, betrayals, and confessions.
Linda Jones of Howard House, a child abuse therapy centre in north London, has described organised networks as working 'in cells, like terrorist cells. No paedophile who is linked knows of more than one other, so they'll use a child, ...
Hatto had earlier worked for Mr Plummer of Gray's, near Henley. The farmhouse was a modern brick building and was located on the site of the ancient Abbey Farm, having been rebuilt for John Pocock (now deceased) some years previously.