Timberlake, Henry (1765) The Memoirs of Lieut. Henry Timberlake. London. Tisdale, John W. (1964) The Daniel Cache, Mecklenburg County, Virginia.
This volume covers the archaeological concepts of macrotools, microtools, tool types, and tool classes.
This short review of the uses of bark by one society shows its potential impor- tance: the bark harvesting season would have been an important fixed point in the annual cycle of tasks. Birch bark in northern Eurasia The bark of birch ...
Revised - This 350+ -page publication contains over 1250 Clovis points from Virginia.
Wm Jack Hranicky. PALEOAMERICAN ARCHAEOLOGY IN VIRGINIA Wm Jack Hranicky RPA PaleoAmerican Archaeology in Virginia Copyright © 2017 Wm Jack Hranicky. Front Cover.
Jack Hranicky is a retired U.S. Government contractor, but he has been involved with archaeology as a full-time passion for over 40 years.
Lost to time and rediscovered in the 1880s, Fort Ancient sites dot the West Virginia landscape. This volume explores sixteen of these sites, including Buffalo, Logan and Orchard.
Archaeological Concepts, Techniques, and Terminology for American Prehistoric Lithic Technology
Wm Jack Hranicky RPA. 1013 - Monrovia Points Monrovia [Notched] Point - named by Wm Jack Hranicky in 1991 after a city in Maryland. It is a side notched point with pointed stem corners. Base is concaved and is not ground.
This full-color publication is a report on the PaleoAmerican Pleistocene site in Clarke County, Virginia.
It concludes that a Solutrean occupation did occur on the U.S. Atlantic coastal plain. The bipoint is the most misclassified artifact in American archaeology. The book is indexed and has extensive references.