Every lesson, experience and obstacle that is part of life requires a person to make a critical decision that will shape his or her destiny. It is through those experiences that come from the lessons that life teaches and the obstacles that one must go through that defines truly where one's heart and purpose lies in this world. I wrote this book because I know how important decision making is in everyone's lives. There are people who like to make decisions such as finding the right career, the right person to marry, the right places to live and raise their children, even decisions that affect their overall dreams and goals. Each person was born with a purpose in this world. No one can exist in this life without one. God doesn't make any mistakes in who or what He creates. Therefore, because you are not a mistake and God created you with a purpose, you have every reason to tap into your abilities and capabilities to impact the world. If you are hungry to discover your true potential, passion and purpose in life, you will be an entirely different person after reading this book. You will have the mindset to accomplish every impossible dream and goal that many people thought you could never possibly attain.
If you are hungry to discover your true potential, passion and purpose in life, you will be an entirely different person after reading this book.You will have the mindset to accomplish every impossible dream and goal that many people ...
Rise to Your Destiny with Purpose Lloyd N. Moffatt. Ifyou had one shot at life, what will it be, who will you become, where will you go when that moment in time arrives? Playing. the. Game. to. Win. It is so easy to quit when you are ...
This new edition also has a new chapter "So You Think You're Ready To Be A Parent?" that looks at the reality, and the true responsibility, of having children. The Microbook(tm) is a book concept.
This series is not to demean anyone as whom they are, or where they are in life. These books are positioned for one purpose only, which is to share the words that were given and to help people learn, "How ONE Choice Directs Your Destiny!"
... one's own path, these beliefs shape our perspectives, motivations, and behaviors. Below we will explore how destiny beliefs impact our decision-making processes and guide our actions ... Destiny Beliefs Shape Our Decisions and Actions.
This series are not to demean anyone as whom they are, or where they are in life. These books are positioned for one purpose only, which is to share the words that were given and to help people learn, "How ONE Choice Directs Your Destiny!"
In Fateful Choices Ian Kershaw re-creates the ten critical decisions taken between May 1940, when Britain chose not to surrender, and December 1941, when Hitler decided to destroy Europe’s Jews, showing how these choices would recast the ...
... One spends money recklessly. Another savesit objectively. One eats healthy food. Another overeats daily. Make intelligent choices, Which leadto prosperity. Decide carefully before choosing. Decisions shape one's destiny. Friendship ...
"Three Yes" offers a fresh and empowering approach to decision-making, one that goes beyond the traditional pros and cons list. This insightful book is your key to understanding your values, boundaries, and priorities like never before.
Do you want to fulfill your destiny?