These easy-to-read, progressive exercises by Joanne Martin develop a student's reading skills one stage at a time, with many repetitions at each stage. I Can Read Music is designed as a first note-reading book for students of string instruments who have learned to play using an aural approach such as the Suzuki Method®, or for traditionally taught students who need extra note reading practice. Its presentation of new ideas is clear enough that it can be used daily at home by quite young children and their parents, with the teacher checking progress every week or two.
I Can Read Music is designed as a first note-reading book for students of string instruments who have learned to play using an aural approach such as the Suzuki Method(R), or for traditionally taught students who need extra note reading ...
A note reading book for VIOLIN students Joanne Martin. 1 2 Play these lines as duets 7 Lesson 3 A whole note = 4 quarter notes = Lesson 2 A dotted half note = 3 quarter notes d . 3 Count 3 beats to a bar In ? A quarter note gets one ...
Teach violin with the popular Suzuki Violin School.
Titles: Study Points for Volume 2 * Chorus from Judas Maccabaeus (G.F. Handel) * Musette, Gavotte II or the Musette from English Suite III in G Minor for Klavier, BWV 808 (J.S. Bach) * Hunters' Chorus from 3rd Act of the opera Der ...
In addition to its role as a traditional note speller, this book brings forth emphasis on guide notes with unique visual reinforcements, emphasis on reading the small intervals step and skip (teaching pattern recognition in addition to note ...
Renowned Suzuki pedagogue William Starr continues his valuable teaching series with this third volume.
This book will make the Suzuki parent's task much easier as it will provide a reference when a parent does not know how to teach new pieces.
These easy-to-read, progressive exercises by Joanne Martin develop a student's reading skills one stage at a time, with many repetitions at each stage.
Magic Carpet is available for violin, viola, and cello students, with a separate book and piano accompaniment for each instrument. This is the piano accompaniment for the viola book.
The Doflein Method. The Violinist's Progress. Volume I: The higher positions (4th to 10th positions) A course of violin instruction combined with musical theory and practice in duet-playing.