If you were to ask Chuck Friedman why he considers himself so “Lucky,” he will tell you he is blessed with a loving wife, two wonderful sons and good health. Besides that he has had three separate, very distinct and enjoyable careers. There have been failures and successes in his life, which like most people has been one long learning experience. We do not get to pick our parents, but one of the most important factors determining our trajectory in life occurs at the moment of conception. The genes we inherit and the nurturing we receive growing up are major factors in determining the person we become. Some people are more “lucky” than others and in every life some “crap” (Bad luck) happens. A question to ponder; If you had to choose one, would you rather be lucky or smart?
We do not get to pick our parents, but one of the most important factors determining our trajectory in life occurs at the moment of conception.
Just Call Me Mr. Lucky: An Autobiography
"One team, One nation, One Goal, World Cup 2006. Witness England's journey, through obstacles, in search of a dream."--Publisher's website.
Oh, Sheldon, I love being in the spotlight. Next Tuesday I'm on Jerry Springer. I get to throw a chair. SHELDON. (in Elvis voice) Dear Mama. I've been sneaking into THE OUTRAGEOUS ADVENTURES OF SHELDON & MRS. LEVINE 26.
... Mr. Lucky ! " " And just call me Lucky . Mr. Lucky was my fathah . ” " Okay , Mr. Lu- Okay ! " And with that , the puppy and the porcupine made their way out of the stone ruins of the abandoned Boston bear cages , down the hill , and ...
It's so embarrassing Corey wants to crawl into a hole-except Katelyn would probably dig a better hole and make him feel worse. Squeeze Play is the fourth book in the bestselling Cal Ripkin's All-Stars series.
Just shut up and sing.” “How can I sing if I shut up?” “I want to watch Flipper,” Erica says. “Mama always lets us watch it. ... Now we're going to sing some songs.” “What's the point of singing songs? You can't get a job singing.
“jimmy Cagney.” She lingered at the door, smiling coyly. “Sure you don't want me to stay?” “You don't quit, do you?” “Quitting is for losers, big boy.” “Get lost, or I'll call security.” “You're so brave.” “Keep it up and I'll toss you ...
A story of murder, kidnapping, and drug trafficking brings to life the dangers faced by Border Patrol agents.
... Mr. Lucky, please call me back in an hour, and I should have something for you.” I thanked him politely, hung up, smiled to myself, and walked back to my car. This task should be relatively easy; last time I had called them, they had to get ...