Fly with Captain Tom Cooper on this most incredible roller coaster ride from a rural, Mayberry-ish community in the foot hills of North Carolina to the apex of the scheduled airline world. A superb story teller, Captain Cooper takes you on a breathtaking trip with intermediate stops in the jungles of South America, revolutions in the tropics, the “sometimes” exciting exploits of a scheduled airline pilot and finally lands you on the top floor, mahogany row, of the volatile airline community. Whether you are a professional or private pilot or just an “arm chair” adventurer, with his simple but vivid writing style, he escorts you through his 60 years of aviation experiences with page after page of a literary reality show that can only be narrated by someone who has actually lived it. Captain Cooper shares his experiences, the good times and the bad, the wins and the losses, with clarity and with a simple credo that to be a success one must, to paraphrase Teddy Roosevelt, be “in the arena” and experience failures along with any successes that might come your way without fear of criticism or admonition. And…….never, ever, let ‘em see you sweat!
" "This collection of his writings gives credence to Henry Adams's assertion that Roosevelt was "pure Act": there was, it seems, no subject (or foe) he was afraid to tackle.
Comes with QR codes that take the reader to behind-the-scenes documents, videos, trial audio and text message threads.
If we won’t fight for America, then what will we fight for? And if not now, then when? Get in the arena!
Legendary comics writer Steve Englehart returns to the adventures of Max August in The Arena Man, the fourth novel in his fantasy thriller series.
Bogle has realized the vision he first articulated in his 1951 Princeton senior thesis: "The principal role of the mutual fund is to serve its shareholders." He has changed the rules of investing. The Man in the Arena tells this story.
Drawing on an array of approaches—biographical, ecological and environmental, literary and political, Theodore Roosevelt, Naturalist in the Arena analyzes this energetic man’s manifold encounters with the great outdoors.
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.
The ancient Hebrew language does not use vowels or punctuation marks. Similarly, neither of the Aramaic and Greek languages used punctuation marks. We either have to figure this out on our own or be subject to the interpretations of ...
What does Christ have to do with athletic competition? Can sports be redeemed? In the Arena will answer these questions so that readers: Understand how the gospel of Christ shapes our understanding and enjoyment of sports.
This singular collection of quotations—enhanced by O’Toole’s illuminating introductory essay, notes on biographical and historical context, and bibliographies of Roosevelt’s writings—is a trove for writers, teachers, students, and ...