James H. Merrell, Into the American Woods: Negotiators on the Pennsylvania Frontier (1999). ... Bradford J. Wood, This Remote Part of the World: Regional Formation in Lower Cape Fear, North Carolina, 1725–1775 (2004).
The sixth edition introduces LaunchPad, which combines carefully-curated new assignments and assessments integrated with an e-book in its own intuitive course space.
Streamlined by the authors themselves to create a truly concise book, the fifth edition is nearly 15 percent shorter than the fourth compact edition, yet it includes more primary sources than ever—including a new visual sources feature.
The sixth edition introduces a breakthrough in teaching and learning through the addition of LaunchPad, which combines carefully-curated new assignments and assessments integrated with the full-length parent text e-book—the same narrative ...
To 1877 James L. Roark, Michael P. Johnson, Patricia Cline Cohen, Sarah Stage, Susan M. Hartmann. To 1877 SIXTH EDITION TheAmerican Promise A HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES VALUE EDITION James L. Roark Michael P. Johnson Patricia Cline ...
The new two-color Value Edition of The American Promise is the ideal solution for instructors and students who want a full-length narrative at a low price.
LaunchPad comes with a wealth of primary sources and special critical thinking activities to help students progress toward achieving learning outcomes; LearningCurve, the adaptive learning tool that students love to use to test their ...
Enriched with the voices of hundreds of Americans, the Value Edition offers students a memorable narrative for a price they can afford.
This book includes a full-color map and art program, new primary documents, and comprehensive supplement options including LaunchPad.
Condensed by the authors to deliver the latest scholarship in an engaging, flexible format, the fourth edition includes a lavish visual and special features program, study tools that rival any survey text, and a memorable narrative ...
This affordable text comes integrated with LearningCurve, an adaptive learning tool that helps students retain what they’ve read and come to class prepared. What's in the LaunchPad