No matter what the medium, from print to broadcast to digital, Working with Words presents the best writing advice for journalists. It is designed to help students gain the grammatical and stylistic skills they need and then serve as a reference throughout their careers. Written by working journalists, with parts devoted to grammar and mechanics as well as journalistic style and writing for different media, it offers coverage the Associated Press Stylebook does not — and it’s affordably priced at 30-50% less than competing texts. The new edition contains tools that make it even easier to navigate, tackles the unique issues inherent to writing for online media, and offers improved grammar and writing instruction.
This revised and updated workbook gives students the opportunity to master the media writing and editing skills covered in the seventh edition of Working with Words by Brian S. Brooks, James L. Pinson, and Jean Gaddy Wilson.
" If you ever wanted to learn how to talk your way out of a traffic ticket or talk your way into a raise, this book's for you.
Covers grammar, punctuation, and usages, and offers advice on avoiding pompous, muddled, sexist, or racist language
For anyone who works with words - especially journalists, writers and editors - this book belongs next to the dictionary and style manual on your reference shelf.
Written to help the business person gain a grammatical advantage on his or her competition, Working with Words in Business and Legal Writing is a quick and complete guide to writing clear and concise e-mails, letters, and reports.
Under this heading we deal with the way new words are created in English . ... These are words which join sentences together . ... Don't worry if you don't understand everything on the cassette when you first listen .
What's meaning got to do with it: The role of vocabulary in word reading and reading comprehension. ... The ABCs of how we learn: 26 scientifically proven approaches, how they work, and when to use them. New York, NY: Norton.
Working with Words
The 14 different Working with Words centers presented in this book give students many opportunities to manipulate letters and words. Each center is designed to reinforce literacy skills as students work together with partners or in ...
increasingly difficult to write without some kind of political undertone, will use poetry and fiction as a way to harness empathy and understanding. This kind of writing is concerned with rejecting and repositioning the narrative, ...