America: A Concise History, Combined Volume

America: A Concise History, Combined Volume
Bedford/St. Martin's
James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self


Known for its interpretive voice, balanced analysis, and brief-yet-comprehensive narrative, America: A Concise History helps students to make sense of it all while modeling the kind of thinking and writing they need to be successful. Offering more value than other brief books, America is competitively priced to save your students money, and features built-in primary sources and new ways of mastering the content so your students can get the most out of lecture and come to class prepared. The sixth edition rolls out Bedford/St. Martin’s new digital history tools, including LearningCurve, an adaptive quizzing engine that garners over a 90% student satisfaction rate, and LaunchPad, the all new interactive e-book and course space that puts high quality easy-to-use assessment at your fingertips. Easy to integrate into your campus LMS, and featuring video, additional primary sources, a wealth of adaptive and summative quizzing, and more, LaunchPad cements student understanding of the text while helping them make progress toward learning outcomes. It’s the best content joined up with the best technology. What's in the LaunchPad

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