This book distills the essential elements of world politics, both the enduring characteristics as well as the revolutionary changes that may be altering the very fabric of the centuries-old state system. Author J. Martin Rochester explores all the important topics that one would expect to find in an IR text (war, diplomacy, foreign policy, international law and organization, the international economy, and more) but injects fresh perspectives on how globalization and other contemporary trends are affecting these issues. In addition, the author does so through a highly engaging, lively writing style that will appeal to today's students. Fundamental Principles of International Relations is a tightly woven treatment of international politics past and present, drawing on the latest academic scholarship while avoiding excessive jargon and utilizing pedagogical aids while avoiding clutter. Rochester ultimately challenges the reader to think critically about the future of a post-Cold War and post-9/11 world that is arguably more complex, if not more dangerous, than some previous eras, with the potential for promise as well as peril.
Each chapter in this volume reflects decades of experience, work and reflection by the most authoritative voices of the field.
The work of the ILC on the topic formally began in 1956 under Special Rapporteur F. V. García Amador (Cuba). His reports focused mainly on State responsibility for injuries to aliens and their property, but also discussed some general ...
This book sets the standard for legitimate government, both within and beyond the jurisdiction of separate states and nations.
Moderne Diplomatie wirkt heute in viele Bereiche des modernen Lebens hinein. Sie ist zugleich selbst neuen Einflüssen ausgesetzt.
In 1945 Emperor Hirohito signed Japan's unconditional surrender to the United States and its allies. Tackling a timely subject this work takes the controversial stand that the constitution of Japan was not imposed as a document of defeat.
This book studies the interfaces of ethics, economics, and politics.
This is a primer on the key theories used to analyze world politics.
Responding to user feedback and classroom testing, Principles has been completely recast so that the book is focused squarely on the central insights of the strategic perspective.
This volume analyzes the current transformation of the character of the state as the principal actor of international society and related changes in the structure of international society.
Providing a fresh approach, this work will be essential reading for all students of international relations and international relations theory.