Every workday millions of Christians enter the marketplace. Whether as sales associates or engineers, auto mechanics or executives, Christians are called to serve God in the workplace. But most need help integrating faith and work. How can you be salt and light on the job? Where can you turn for help in developing a biblical and satisfying view of work? The Marketplace Annotated Bibliography is the largest and most complete resource for putting work in its proper Christian perspective. Pete Hammond, R. Paul Stevens and Todd Svanoe provide annotated reviews of hundreds of books on topics such as career guidance, leisure, termination and layoffs, business ethics, time and financial management, critical issues in the workplace, evangelism and much more! They also include a historical survey of the marketplace-faith movement and more than a dozen thematic indexes.Pastors, vocational counselors, professors and laypeople alike will find this book a unique and valuable resource.
Watkins , C. ( 1999 ) . Grads to grannies , managing the generation gap . Food Management , 34 ( 9 ) , 31–35 . Watkins addressed two workplace trends : the growing youth labor force and the increase in seniors in the workforce .
Geographically dispersed teams are work groups with members separated by time and distance.
Outsider art (self-taught art, folk art) is made up of paintings, drawings, sculptures, assemblages, and idiosyncratic gardens and other outdoor constructions created by people who have had little or no...
This book will serve as a reference book for scholars and researchers of Asian studies - China most particularly - and international business.
International Marketing, an Annotated Bibliography
This book discusses the relevant concepts, provides specific examples of products and systems required by developing economies, and indicates organizational approaches to adapting advantageous technology.
This is a good review for the experienced investment professional, as well as an excellent overview for the novice." Kathleen A. Wayner President and CEO Darren C. Kavesh Chief Investment Officer Bowling Portfolio Management 513-871-7776
All CSAs have a shared commitment to building a more local & equitable agricultural system. This bibliography & resource guide contains a selection of writings that document the CSA movement in the U.S.
New Providence, NJ: R.R. Bowker, 1965-date, annual. Formerly INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH LABORATORIES OF THE UNITED STATES (1920-1964). CD-ROM version available from Bowker Electronic Publishing in SCI-TECH REFERENCE PLUS: covers current ...
Links Edwards's theological empiricism to Charles Peirce's pragmatism through “theosemiotic” — the distinctively American perspective on the place of religious experience in theology — in a reading of the twelfth sign of Religious ...